Chapter 22: I'll Do What I Have To

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 "Hold still," Ivana hissed as she pulled her needle through another loop in my shorts.

Ivana had a lot of experience sewing because of her Quirk. She always ended up ripping her shirt or anything covering her back when she used her spider-legs. As we watched the first round of the second match she took on the job of hemming my self-made shorts so I wouldn't look like an idiot in my next match.

"Sorry," I mumbled, my eyes glued to the ongoing fight in the center of the arena.

My tank-top, however, had not been salvageable. Yoshida's claws had turned it into a pile of bloody fabric barely hanging together by threads. Luckily, I still had my jacket I had discarded before the match even started.

Ivana was crouched down on the floor of the bleachers, her thread and needle weaving in and out of the ripped fabric of my shorts. Her hair was pulled up into its usual high ponytail. Her brows occasionally twitched as she focused intently on her work.

If Ivana ever decides she doesn't want to be a Pro hero she could definitely be a seamstress.

My eyes slid to Mori's empty seat. Our match was fast approaching. He said he needed to get some fresh air beforehand. I wouldn't have been surprised if he was out, flying above the school grounds right this second.

"Awe man," Misaki whined, "this is terrible. Of course, I'm rooting for you and Mori, but that means at the same time I can't cheer all the way for either of you because I'll feel bad for the other." She had her knees pulled up to her chest as she contemplated her dilemma.

I took my eyes off the match long enough to look at Misaki and give a small laugh. "It's alright, Misaki. Try not to stress over it. Both Mori and I will be fine no matter the outcome."

Misaki's full lips pouted even as she listened to my words. I turned back to the match, knowing there was nothing I could really say to put her mind at ease. Himura and Asami were in the middle of their match. I didn't think it would last much longer though.

For once, Himura was winning.

Asami's strawberry blonde locks shot across the field in an attempt to bind Himura, but the blonde was too quick. The red blades on Himura's forearms had elongated and sharpened dramatically. He swung them in unison, slicing through Asami's hair with ease. Her ends were a mess. Her hair had grown out considerably for the match, so much so that it now laid across the ground, cut at uneven lengths all over.

Himura walked forward at a leisurely pace, slicing every inch of hair Asami sent his way. The girl who got in on recommendation looked furious. No matter what she did, Himura had her beat. He was just a terrible match-up for any way you look at it.

While Himura and I weren't close at all, I was still delighted to see him taking Asami down a peg or two.

Himura was now standing just a foot away from Asami, smiling down at her with a hint of mischief in her eyes.

Asami glared up at him, her hands clenched at her sides.

"So, Asami, what's it gonna be?" the blonde asked in a teasing voice. "Are you going to try and fight me? Try and push me out?" he spread his arms out, giving her a clear shot.

He already knew the answer. We all did.

Asami tilted her chin up, looking Himura straight in his crimson eyes. Her green ones burned with defiance, but she said nothing as she turned and walked out of the ring.

The crowd was silent for a moment, unsure of how to react. Asami was nothing if not prideful. She knew she didn't stand a chance against Himura, or anyone for that matter when it came to hand-to-hand combat. With her Quirk rendered useless, she could only forfeit the match on her terms.

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