Chapter 18: Steal Those Flags

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Without another word, Akiba and I shot out of the fort. We ran straight towards the Gold Team's fort, along with a swarm of other students.

Luckily, we were the first to arrive on the outskirts of the fort. Akiba's eyes glowed blue and seconds later the gold flag zipped out of the tent and into Akiba's hand. However, immediately after a flowery green vine shot out from the fort and wrapped around the flag. An all too familiar nightshade flower sprouted from the end of it aimed directly at Akiba's face.

Akiba released the flag and took a step back just as it released a small spray of toxins. Akiba narrowly avoided the attack.

Since when can Misaki do that?

Suddenly, two of Ivana's spider-legs came forward from inside the fort and hit Akiba square in the chest, sending him flying backwards.

My eyes darted around searching for the flag. By the time my ears twitched it was too late. Misaki was silent as a cat. As I turned to her one of her knees struck me in the chest as she made her descent.

I was sent rolling across the ground briefly before I caught myself. I looked at Misaki, one of my hands still bracing against the ground as I remained crouched.

Misaki's eyes were alight with determination like I'd never seen before. She smirked at me, her curls cascading down over her shoulders. "I told you I wanted to get stronger."

"Well, I'm glad to see our training paid off," I replied.

I had been working on diversifying my set of attacks and taught Misaki how to do that flying knee strike as well. It worked perfectly in combination with her gymnastic skills.

One of Ivana's spider-legs whipped towards me. I leapt up to avoid it, only to be met midair with one of Misaki's barbs. I was barely able to move in time to avoid it.

"Akiba," I shouted upon landing. "Let's try for another flag. This is too risky."

"Agreed," he said with a nod as he came up beside me.

With that, we turned and ran in the direction of the Red Team's fort. I couldn't help but smile even though we had been outmaneuvered.

Way to go Misaki.

As we made our way towards the Red Team's fort, which was a good distance away from the Gold Team's, Akiba managed to use his Quirk to snag a purple flag from an unsuspecting student.

When we were just outside the Red Team's fort Akiba used his Quirk to snatch the flag.

That was a little too easy. This is the second-ranked team, surely they have some sort of defense system in place.

Just as the thought crossed my mind, a boy with bright green hair seemed to materialize out of thin air. He was sticking to the side of the fort. His long tongue shot out at lightning speed and wrapped around the flag, snatching it out of Akiba's hand before he could react.

He's a chameleon!

The chameleon boy dashed back inside the fort. As he did so, a girl with light blue hair stepped out. Though she gave a look of determination, her body quivered as she stared us down.

The girl inhaled deeply and then released a gust of powerful wind from her mouth. Akiba slid backwards several feet. Thanks to my Quirk I was able to hold my position. With some effort, I jumped up against the wind force and soared above her attack range.

Just as I'd taught Misaki, I bent one of my legs and aimed my knee at the girl's chest. I watched her cough up saliva as my knee made contact. All of the breath whooshed from her lungs and came out as an even more powerful blast of air.

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