Chapter 26: Good News

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POP POP POP! The sound of confetti canons firing filled the stadium along with thin colorful bits of paper. I tried my best to ignore the ringing in my ears as the crowd roared around me. I jumped to my feet and cupped my hands to my mouth. "WAY TO GO MISAKI!" Mori was cheering right alongside me, his wings flaring out in excitement behind him, much to the displeasure of the people standing behind us.

With my eyesight, I could see Misaki as clearly as if she was standing two feet in front of me. Some of her hair was singed with smoke still trailing from her once-perfect curls. She had a few burns on her arms and other parts of her body as well. Her hair was a disheveled mess. She had pulled it up into two space buns before her match but they were barely holding together at this point. She was dripping in sweat. Even so, she stood and smiled her brightest triumphant smile to the crowd and waved her small hand for the world to see.

Jinse was sprawled on the concrete of the arena, two of Misaki's yellow nightshade barbs visibly sticking out from his shoulder blades. As the Mini Transportation Robots loaded him onto a stretcher Amethyst Knight gave his final commentary for the Sports Festival.


That was absolutely incredible! Despite being burned by Jinse's intense flames she was able to break through his iron defense and hit him with two of her nightshade barbs in the back! Of course, it did do some damage to her lovely hair in the process but I'd say it was well worth it! Give her a hand everyone!"

And we did, we all did. Tears streamed from Misaki's face as she grinned so hard her eyes nearly squeezed shut.


After Jinse and Misaki got fixed up it was time for the closing ceremony. Three stone pedestals had been brought into the middle of the stadium where the concrete had once stood, now replaced by some sort of earthy material. Misaki stood in the center, eyes shining brightly as she held back tears of joy. To her left was Suzuki and to her right was Jinse.

Horalogia's voice rang through the speaker system. She adjusted her glasses with her pointer finger as she spoke.

"It's time for the moment you've all been waiting for. We will now commence the award ceremony! Of course, there's an obvious choice for this task. Give a round of applause for my dear colleague and Japan's number one hero– Solaris!"

I clutched my ears to my head as the whole stadium erupted into shouts and cheers. I scowled at the appearance of a white light shining directly above the stadium, and it wasn't the sun.

Solaris slowly floated down from high above the stadium, enveloped in her signature solar energy manifested as nearly blinding white light. She sported her hero costume as usual, the lavender-colored fabric standing out against her ebony skin. She landed gracefully in front of the pedestals, waving and smiling at the crowd.

"We love you Solaris!"

"I can't believe Solaris is really a teacher here! These students are so lucky!"

"You're my favorite hero Solaris!"

"Marry me Solaris!"

I rolled my eyes.

The celebrity finally turned to address my classmates after basking in the praise of her fans.

"My, my what an intense Sports Festival that was. Congratulations to you three for taking the top spots! It's no easy feat." Solaris said in her airy voice. "It is an honor to present you with these medals.

"Chiasa Suzuki, you fought well today. Anger can be a powerful driving force, but remember that it should not be the only thing that fuels you. There is no greater strength than facing your own demons." Solaris gently lowered the blue strap of the bronze medal over Suzuki's dipped head.

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