Chapter 23: Kita vs Mori

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Mori shot into the sky at Horalogia's signal to begin. His wings blocked the sun from view, outlining his figure in white light. Despite the fight that was about to commence, I couldn't help but think he looked majestic like that, like a hero from a story.

That image disappeared in the blink of an eye. Mori swooped down, the air itself parting for him as he tucked in his wings and dived.

I held my stance, readying for his attack.

Mori had reached me in the time it took for me to blink. He grabbed my left horn around the base, no doubt planning to fly me out of bounds. I swung my right leg upwards towards his chest. Before my foot could make contact I felt Mori's tail wrap around my ankle, keeping my leg from swinging up fully.

Both of my feet were off the ground as Mori flew towards the edge of the ring. If I didn't act now, this match would be over in a couple of seconds.

If there's one thing I'd learn from watching these matches, it was that there would always be Quirks that put you at a disadvantage somehow. These weren't anything like the Muay Thai fights I would compete in. There was no strict set of rules, no code of honor here. Sometimes, you'd have to fight dirty to win.

I dug in my heels as Mori dragged me toward the edge of the ring, trying to keep him from pulling me into the air.

"Ow! That hurts!" I cried out, the pitch of my voice higher than normal.

I felt Mori falter. He released my horn, probably on instinct allowing me to I tilted my head back to look Mori in the eyes.


My torso tilted backwards towards the ground as my left leg shot straight up. I felt my foot connect with Mori's chin. I could hear his teeth rattle from the impact before he was flung upwards.

Before Mori had time to recover I transitioned into a spinning roundhouse kick. This time my heel landed in his gut. Mori's body hurtled across the field, but he wouldn't be done in that easily. His wings flared out once more, catching himself midair. He looked down at me, hovering several feet above the ground, his dark eyes dull, void of any light.

I charged forward. I couldn't give him time to recover. As I ran the sound of people screaming and feet pounding rang through the stadium, growing louder with each passing second. A muscle in my jaw ticked as the dull pain in my head grew stronger.

I jumped up in the air, soaring high above the ground. I aimed for a knee strike to Mori's chest, but he glided backwards with his wings just in time to dodge it. I transitioned into a forward roll to cushion my landing.

I charged Mori again, tucking my chin as I did so. As I expected, he flapped his wings a couple of time to lift himself higher, out of my reach,

"Quit running away," I growled, a scowl forming on my lips.

I felt the muscles in my legs pull tight as I leapt up. I soared up above Mori's head. I straightened my right leg, pulling the other up close to my chest. My arms rose above my head as I plummeted downward. My foot pressed into Mori's chest, guiding him to the ground waiting beneath.

My blow knocked the breath out of Mori. He began coughing and sputtering as we made our descent. It was enough of a shock that he couldn't recover before we reached the ground. A small crater formed beneath Mori from the force of impact.

I towered over my friend, one foot on the ground and the other planted firmly on his chest. My voice was low as I spoke, more than I normally would in any fight.

"Mori if you really want to win this fight you need to give it your all, because I promise you no matter what, I want it more."

My golden eyes drilled into his onyx ones intensely as he laid on his back with his wings sprawled on the ground under him. Images of Aratani's smiling face flashed through my mind, then Emiko with her pink buns and big, brown eyes. My father's straight, black hair, and golden horns came to mind, so did Achara's wild hair and eyes and Tauren's stern expression.

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