Chapter 2: Let the Entrance Exams Begin!

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     I gazed lazily out of my window at the surrounding traffic. This was my first time taking an overnight bus anywhere. My seat was more comfortable than I expected and reclined nearly all the way back. With a sliding door for privacy, it was basically like having my own little hotel room on wheels. The bus would arrive in Tokyo around six a.m. the next morning. 

     My dad had wished me luck while seeing me off at the bus stop and given me a tight hug. Emiko had been more nervous than any of us but still plastered a smile on her face regardless. Despite her mixed emotions, she had been genuine when she said she hoped I did well on my exams. 

     I wish Emiko was here now to help calm my nerves… 

     My mom did not accompany us to the bus station. In fact, she didn’t tell me good-bye at all. She simply locked herself in her and Dad’s bedroom all night.

     I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind and began thinking about the exams once again. I had studied well for the written exam, but I was still a little nervous about it.

Who could blame though? U.A. is one of the most prestigious heroics schools in all of Japan, so of course it’s incredibly difficult to get accepted. 

     Even more nerve-wracking was the thought of the physical exam. Rumor had it that it used to be done with giant robots. No one had any idea what this year’s exam would look like. 

     A few of my classmates had also applied to U.A. Others applied to Shiketsu High or Ketsubutsu Academy. There was nothing wrong with either of those two schools. They both held prestigious titles of their own, but U.A. was the only school I was willing to attend. 

     The only Pro that I admired at all was a teacher there. Her Quirk was pretty similar to mine. If anyone could teach me how to become a better hero than the poor excuses we have now, it was her. 

     I’m going to need all the rest I can get for tomorrow. I should go ahead and lie down. 

     Having already dimmed the lights in my little makeshift room, I reclined my seat back as far as it would go and wrapped one of Aratani’s old blankets around me for comfort. Eventually, the sounds of passing cars lulled me into a restless sleep. 

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

     I groaned internally as my alarm blared incessantly, alerting me that it was now five a.m. I hadn’t gotten nearly enough sleep, but the bus would be arriving in Tokyo in an hour, and I needed to be ready. 

     After brushing my teeth and trying to tame my too curly hair, I changed into my current school uniform: a simple black skirt paired with black tights and flats. Due to the early spring chill in the air, I tugged on a gray sweater over my usual uniform top. 

     After finishing packing my things into my bookbag I gave myself one last look over in the mirror of my “room.” 

     My golden brown horns arched up from the sides of the top of my head and back over my floppy pink ears. My light pink hair was full of tight, curly ringlets, save for two pieces hanging down that would for some reason never curl. Those were the only pieces of hair long enough to lay over my shoulders.

     I nearly scowled at the reflection of my own eyes. Their light gold color was too similar to my mom’s. 

     If only I had gotten my dad’s brown eyes like Emiko and Aratani. My older sister’s name seemed to rattle through my head. Just wait and see Aratani, I’ll pass these exams. I’ll become a hero and things will be different... 

Kita's Legacy (My Hero Academia Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang