Chapter 8: Kita & Akiba vs Misaki & Sanada

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As I began my descent I quickly adjusted my body to the ideal attacking position. I straightened my left leg out and bent my right leg while pulling my fists up to protect my face.

Misaki and Sanada had just barely realized I was descending upon them less than a second before the heel of my boot struck Misaki's head, but Sanada was fast too. I felt cool water wrap around my ankle and yank me backwards, throwing into the wall of the building I was previously on top of. Misaki was sent flying in the opposite direction from the impact of my kick. Sanada used his water to catch her so she didn't hit the ground. Before he could gently set her down the water seemed to return to its normal state and dropped to the ground, along with Misaki.

In that half a second before they realized I was on them he was able to use his water to slow me down so Misaki didn't receive the full impact of my kick. Sanada's even smarter than I thought. But where is the water coming from?

I quickly looked over Sanada's costume. It appeared to be some sort of wetsuit. It was mostly black with light blue patches on the shoulder and matching thin, light blue lines running down his elbows, sides, legs, and across his stomach. Some sort of water tribe symbol was placed on the center of his chest. It looked like rolling waves in the ocean. I could also see a light blue, square object attached to his back.

That must be where he keeps his water. There's no telling how much he has in there exactly. Does he lose water as he fights or does it return to its container?

Finally, Akiba landed beside me, outlined in the tell-tell faint blue light of his Quirk.

Sanada moved to stand in front of Misaki, partially blocking her unconscious body from view. A slight twinge of guilt coursed through me at seeing what I had done to my best friend. I forced myself to shake it off.

Sanada was quick to release some water from his container. He brandished it like a whip and struck me across my torso. I dug in my feet as I skidded backwards, but was stopped by Akiba's Quirk which was turning out to be very handy thus far.

There was another flash of blue light as Akiba used his Quirk to lift a nearby garbage can into the air and then slammed it into Sanada. It probably would have hurt a lot, if Sanada hadn't turned into a mass of water.

"Nice try Akiba," he said with a smirk. His voice sounded gurgly as if he were talking underwater- which, in a way he was.

"How long can you hold that form for?" Akiba asked, his eyes giving no signal as to what he was feeling.

Akiba proceeded to launch different objects from the alley at Sanada, who was still maintaining his water form. I spied his and Misaki's bags of money lying on the ground behind him.

Now's my chance to recover the stolen money.

I made a dash for the money bags. Sanada stopped me in my tracks by shooting a blast of water my way. The force was strong enough to send me tumbling backwards. I quickly got back to my feet. Between holding his water form and keeping both Akiba and me at bay, Sanada had exerted a large chunk of his energy. His body was slowly reverting back to normal.

I've got you this time Sanada.

I darted forward swiftly and swept Sanada's feet out from under him. He hit the asphalt with a hard 'thud.' "Akiba, move the money away from them," I said as Sanada lashed out at me with a water whip once again.

A faint blue light surrounded the sacks of money as they floated up and onto one of the higher ledges of a nearby building. Then suddenly a burst of purple dust appeared in my peripheral vision. Before I could react I felt myself being pulled backwards by an invisible force, no doubt Akiba's doing.

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