Chapter 15: The Maze

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A maze?

Horalogia didn't give us much time to ponder on it.

"U.A. has had an elaborate off-site maze built for this event. It's full of dangerous traps and obstacles. There is only one specific place you'll be able to exit the maze. There are no rules. Now go show everyone how Plus Ultra you first-years are!" the Pro said, aiming her pointer finger at us while her other hand perched on her hip.

The crowd roared with excitement. I looked back at Ivana, my eyes wide. She met my panicked gaze, her silver brows furrowed together tightly. Just what exactly were we in for?

We were led to the newly constructed maze that had been built on part of U.A.'s unused land. The school owned tons of open land that hadn't even been developed yet. This probably didn't even cover a fraction of it. It was hard to believe though as I stared up at the looming concrete walls in front of me. They blocked out the sun from where I stood.

This is even more massive than I imagined. Where do they even get the money for this sort of stuff?

Ivana, Misaki, Mori, Akiba, and I were huddled together near the front of the giant gates. They reminded me of the gates from the entrance exams. I felt just as nervous now as I did then.

The buzzer sounded off.

"Begin!" Horalogia shouted.

The sea of students rushed forward, nearly trampling each other in the process. Some moved more quickly than others. I began sprinting forward, enjoying the familiar feel of my muscles stretching.

Not only for myself, but for Tauren's sake as well I'll win this!

Before I hit my third stride I was stopped by an invisible, yet familiar force.

I whipped my head back at Akiba, annoyed as my feet hovered above the ground.

"What gives?" I heard Mori say.

I looked up and saw that he was hovering above me, wings outstretched and his body frozen in the same blue aura as mine.

I turned to face Akiba again. He spoke before I had the chance to question him.

"Everyone hang back. I read Horalogia's mind during the commencement ceremony. She said, er thought, 'I wonder how many will make it past the first obstacle.'"

Akiba released his psychic hold on both Mori and me. Once our feet were back on the ground we watched the first few groups of students that had taken the lead. As they made it a few feet into the maze the concrete floor beneath them began opening up. The inside of the maze was surprisingly spacious, and the quickly growing gap that spanned roughly fifteen meters across.

It took up the entire walkway. There was no way across.

Some students made it across before the gap opened completely, others didn't.

I watched in shock as they fell. We rushed forward to see what laid beneath them.

Surely there's some sort of cushion or something beneath them. How far down is the drop?

I could hear fast-moving water coming from the chasm. As we peered over the edge we saw rushing water at the bottom, far below us.

"Where do you think it leads to?" Misaki asked Ivana nervously.

"Somewhere underground," Ivana said, taking a step back from the edge.

"I'll go ahead and fly up to scout out the best route," Mori said, spreading his wings wide behind him.

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