Chapter 10: Alpha Brigade

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I let out a yelp as the demon from the movie suddenly appeared behind the main character, accompanied by scary music. I was just barely peeking through my fingers as I peered up at the screen. Half of my face was buried in Misaki's hair.

"You're really that scared?" Mori said from my other side.

"Yes, this is really creepy!" I answered, turning my head to meet his amused gaze.

The projector was set up on one of the front walls of the dorms. A white bedsheet was hung to act as the screen. Everyone from class 1-A (minus Suzuki) had come out to the front lawn with blankets and pillows. We had even set up a snack table.

Akiba, Ivana, Misaki, Mori, Himura, and I were all sitting on a cluster of blankets closest to the screen. Of course that would be my luck.

Jinse, Sanada, and Asami were sitting spaced out on a large blanket behind us.

"Hey, I'm gonna go grab some snacks. Does anyone want anything?" Akiba asked, leaning forward to look down the line of people from his position at the very edge of our group.

"I could use some more popcorn," Misaki whispered, passing him her bowl.

"And some gummy worms man!" Himura added from beside Mori.

Akiba nodded and then disappeared behind us as he made his way towards the snack table.

I screamed involuntarily as a particularly gruesome scene caught me off guard. I thought I might break all the bones in Mori's left arm from how tightly I gripped it.

On second thought, maybe a break from this terrifying movie would be a good idea.

"I think I'll go grab a drink actually," I mumbled as I rose to my feet.

"If you wanted to sneak off to kiss Akiba you should have just said so Kita," Ivana teased.

"Ha-ha," I said, rolling my eyes.

I couldn't help but smile though. She was really beginning to open up to our little group. It was no surprise she snagged the title of Class Representative earlier this week during the election. Admittedly, I had wanted the title myself. Sanada and Asami were also in the running.

It felt selfish to vote for myself, so instead, I voted for Ivana. I didn't ask Misaki or Mori who they voted for. I didn't want to do anything to create a rift between mine and Ivana's growing friendship or make the other two feel put on the spot.

I couldn't deny that she was the better choice to lead our class. As I thought back on the sparring match we had on our first day I couldn't help but review all of her positive traits. She exuded confidence but also had such a kind and compassionate personality. She was level-headed and more than capable of keeping her calm under pressure. 

What kind of sodas did we bring again?

As I approached the snack table to browse my options, I was met with a very unexpected sight.

Akiba was sprawled face down on the grass next to the snack table. A thick layer of purple gas was swirling around him and creeping across the front lawn, making Akiba's form slightly obscured.

Something was very wrong here.

I quickly covered my mouth with my hands, not daring to inhale. I turned to check on Jinse, Asami, and Sanada. The hairs on my arms were standing on end as my eyes landed on their unmoving bodies. They lied silently on the blanket as if they were sleeping peacefully. There were no wounds or signs of a struggle.

What-What's happening? We would have heard if someone snuck up on us. Is this another student's doing? No-why would another student attack us? A prank maybe? Every instinct I have is telling me this isn't a joke. Someone else has entered U.A.

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