Chapter 9: Movie Night

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After waking up to the same blinding, white lights for the third time, I knew instantly that I was in Lumine's office... again. I turned my head to find none other than the Healing Hero standing at my bedside, tapping the toe of his shoe with crossed arms. He raised his brows at me in an exaggerated manner.

"...Hi Lumine," I said a bit sheepishly as I pulled myself up into a sitting position.

"I told you I didn't want to see you back here for at least another week Yukimura. You didn't even last a whole day," he groaned.

"Yes, but to be fair this time I didn't get hurt. I just got put to sleep." I argued.

"Well, that's true. You're lucky Akiba caught you before you hit the ground." the school nurse said as he jerked his head towards none other than Akiba himself. The black-haired boy was sitting idly in one of the few chairs lined up against the opposite wall. "I doubt the fall would have hurt you at all really, but at least you didn't get any scratches on your face." Lumine continued.

Akiba...waited in the nurse's office with me?

I felt my face redden at the thought. I wished I could cover my face with the pillow behind me so neither Lumine nor Akiba could see, but that wasn't an option. Instead, I turned my head to the left, pretending to inspect a poster hanging on the wall beside me.

"So um, how did we win again?" I asked Akiba, finally daring to make eye contact with him. 

"The funny thing is, I forgot I had a utility belt with my costume. I have tons of useful items equipped to my belt. I used my Quirk to launch a weighted net at Misaki and ended up successfully capturing her." he replied, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

"Well I'm glad everything worked out in the end, but seriously how do you forget about your own utility belt," I half sighed half laughed. 

"Anyways," Lumine cut in. "I'd tell you to stay out of here for a while, but I doubt you'd listen," Lumine said, causing me to give the tiniest grin as I returned my attention to him. "Just be careful out there Yukimura."

I nodded in response. "Thanks again Lumine."

"You two should change out of your hero costumes before you leave," Lumine added.

Akiba and I went to separate changing rooms and changed back into our school uniforms. Then we bid Lumine goodbye. As Akiba and I exited Lumine's office I realized it was just the two of us walking back to the dorms together. He quietly fell into step beside me.

"Hey, um thanks for staying with me in Lumine's office, that was really nice of you, but you didn't have to do that. Now I feel kind of guilty for holding you up," I said with an awkward laugh as I rubbed my right horn.

"It was the right thing to do. We were partners for the exercise after all," he said, sliding his eyes towards me.

I had to look up to meet his gaze. He was taller than me by a decent amount, not as tall as Mori or Jinse, but definitely taller than Himura and Sanda.

"What happened to your sister?" Akiba asked softly.

"Don't you already know?" My words came out more harshly than I intended, but Akiba didn't flinch.

"I know that she died. I learned that much from reading your mind last night, but I don't know how. What you said to Misaki grabbed my attention. I didn't expect to meet anyone here at U.A. who shares my sentiments on hero society." Akiba replied, his eyes fixated on me intently.

The last sentence he spoke repeated itself in my head.

He feels the same?

I took a shaky breath, preparing to tell the story of Aratani's death. I had done so several times before. One would think that after a year it would get easier, and maybe it had to some extent, but I still felt that tightness in my throat as I tried to speak.

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