Chapter 4

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After a thousand efforts, I managed to open my eyes to see what was bothering my sweet sleep, when I realized that a ray of sunshine was blinding me. I looked around and noticed that the others were still asleep. Myrto is next to me on the double bed with her hand still in the bag with the jellies and Ioanna and Athena are on the floor curled up with their sheets. I got up and went to the bathroom to wash my face. What a night ... we returned early in the morning in a disgraceful state from the drinking. Fortunately ,none of us vomited because at that moment I really do not know how we would manage it. I looked at my image in the mirror while the water was running. I definitely needed a shower, I thought. I will wait for the girls to get up and not wake them up. Suddenly my eyes glowed and turned blue and the tap water was on my head. I screamed in terror, fell back and the water in the air was now all over the floor and the tap continued to run normally. I got up quickly and looked in the mirror again. The light blue began to fade and the color of my eyes returned. What was that? What just happened? Did I do that? Questions and terror flooded my mind. My heart almost came out of my chest.

"What the hell is going on here?"

I was thrown over. I turned my head and saw a wide-awake Athena looking strangely at the space and me.

<< Oh.. I just slipped. As usual. You know how clumsy I am >> I answered trying to play it comfortable and cool

<< Oh girl ... are you okay at least? Did you hit a lot? >>

"No, everything is fine. Can you give me 5 minutes to clean this mess?"

"Yes of course take your time" she said and left closing the door behind her.

At that moment, I let go of my breath, I realized I had been holding for so long. I looked in the mirror again, terrified. I wondered what the hell is going on. Am I still drunk and imagining all this? I grabbed my wet hair and looked at the floor which had ended up being a lake. No I'm not drunk. I bent down and started to collect the water with the sponge. There must be some logical explanation. Of course logic has abandoned me for quite some time ...

When I finished, I came out of the bathroom. They had all woken up now. Nobody asked what happened so I assumed that either Athena did not say anything, or the girls let the event pass. In any case, it is not something strange: Falls are my specialty. After eating breakfast we decided to go home. When I arrived I greeted my parents and went upstairs to take a bath and change. Later, they called me to come down to eat.

"So how was the party?" My mother asked me

"Well" I answered her while I was wrapping my spaghetti on the fork. "It had very nice music and food and we had a great time"

<< Did you stay till the end? Did anything exciting happen? Nothing strange? >> my mom started closing in on me with questions

"Slow down, Catherine my love, you will drown her with your interrogation" my dad told her

<< It doesn't matter dad. The truth is that the school had a problem with its plumbing and we had to leave earlier. >> I answered hesitantly

My parents looked at each other anxiously.

"When you say plumbing problems, what exactly do you mean?" My father asked me

"Um ... you know... the pipes and the taps broke so the courtyard was flooded"

I looked at them to see where the conversation was going. My father looked sad and my mother sullen while, at the same time, trying to avoid my gaze. I felt that something was wrong. My eyes were burning again. It was as if I could hear my mother whispering: "Why was it necessary for this to happen so early ... Now we will lose her ... What if she does not get it well?"

"What's going on?"

"Electra, can you go upstairs please?" My father said to my little sister. She went up to her room and closed the door without any complaints.

My father got up from the table, picked up his cell phone and started writing something. As soon as he was over, he turned to us and made a signal to my mother.

"Let's clean here and then go to the living room," she said after my father nodded.

"Why aren't you talking to me now?" I asked strangely

"Because in this discussion another presence is necessary which in a short time will be here" he answered me and at the same time the bell rang "She is here"

What the hell? Was she staying outside of our house and it came so fast?

"Faragonda came in," my father said as he opened the door and a woman entered the house. She looked up at me, smiling.

"Aphrodite, you can not imagine how glad I am to know you and see that you are alive" she told me

<< Sorry do we know each other? And why should I NOT be alive? >> I asked her confused

<< Sweetie you better sit down. We have a lot to say >>



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