Chapter 13

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Is this Magix?

I expected something much more impressive, like fairies flying between huge tree-houses and magical creatures hovering over our heads. Instead, I had a large city in front of me, full of buildings and skyscrapers, much like a common earth city. If you exclude cleanliness and of course flying cars. Yes ... there were flying cars ... They had no wheels, they had a hemispherical shape and they flooded the streets of Magix. The bus left us in front of a shopping mall and continued its way.

"Where do you want us to start?" Flora asked

"From the mall," said Stella

"From the park" replied Leila

"From a restaurant," said Bloom and Musa

They all spoke at the same time, so we couldn't understand what each of them wanted to say. Since we agreed that it would be better to eat now, so we will eat again at 8:00 at school, we went to a pizzeria, we ordered and we got to know each other better.

Flora was the first to speak about her family, her place and the special relationship she has with plants and animals - especially plants. She is the fairy of Nature and when she will graduate, she wants to become a biologist, chemist or botanist. Her father is a chemist and spent a lot of time in the laboratory with him, observing him working and inspired her to follow in his footsteps. She is quite a shy and very kind girl and has an appeal in cooking. She even pointed out to us that her cake and her relaxing herbal tea she makes are the most famous on her planet, Linphea.

Stella told us about her love for shopping, fashion and her dream to one day become a fashion designer, what the princely life in Solaria is like and the difficult period she went through when her parents, King Randius and Queen Luna , got divorced. When she mentioned the last part, her face became sullen but she tried to change her expression by telling a funny story from her childhood. It seemed that divorce still affects her a lot. Who knows how her parents interact with each other when they meet in front of Stella ... Finally, she revealed to us that she is the fairy of light and enerything that includes, like, the sun, the moon and the stars.

After the speech, Musa spoke, who sympathetically took Stella's hand when she mentioned the part with her parents' divorce. She described her love for music, which she inherited from her family - her mother was a singer and her father played the piano and guitar - and helped shape her as a fairy of music and sound. She did not have such a comfortable life as her parents had gone bankrupt after the onset of an illness in her mother and the final blow was given by her death after a few months. This shook and dissolved Musa and her father and made him dislike music, to the point that he forbade her to ever deal with it. That is why Musa finds it so difficult to confess to him the full range of her powers.

Tecna did not say much. She seemed a very restrained and distant character. She is the fairy of technology and specifically of technomagic, she is an only child and in her free time she likes playing video games and repairing computers.

As for Layla, she did not live the most carefree childhood as she spent all day with her teachers and nanny, who prepared her properly to one day take over her royal duties. At the age of 12, she found a place to escape for a while from the pressure of the palace and met Anna, a girl who conveyed her love for dance. However, after a few years, she mysteriously disappeared and Layla never heard from her again. Her parents, seeing the impact that Anna's disappearance had on her, decided to bring her to Alfea to make new friends. She is the fairy of Morphix, a kind of magic glue from what I understood, and she is addicted to gymnastics and dance.

And finally Bloom, with whom I felt an identification, came from Earth, California, where she lived with her parents, when she learned that she was a fairy, rescuing Stella from a monster. Later that year, shortly before she was expelled, she learned that the source of her power was the dragon flame and that she really was the lost princess of Domino. In fact, she told us that the moment she saved Stella, she threw the fire with so much power that she gained her wings directly. She also offered to help me in this transitional phase that I am experiencing, since she herself experienced exactly the same situation recently. She is an art lover and especially painting.

When it was my turn, I confess them my love for books, music, series, dancing, sports and martial arts. Later, I described to them the events of the last few months and they all looked at me socked. I also asked them for their opinion on my issue with headaches and none of them had an answer to give me.

<< So, Do you know who your father is? >> Tecna asked. I could sense that she was feeling sorry for me but she was trying to hide it well behind the cold mask she was wearing.

"No, I have no idea who he may be, if he is still alive or if he even knew about my existence," I replied. Suddenly I was blown away << Oh!!my parents! I forgot to inform them that I arrived safely. They will be consumed by anxiety >> I shouted and took out my cell phone to call them. NO SIGNAL appeared on my screen

"What the hell?" I said angrily. "Girls, do you have a signal?"

They all opened their cell phones and nodded in agreement

"Can I see it?" Tecna asked me. "Maybe I can fix it."

I gave it to her and she looked at it strangely.

"Where did you find this junk?" She finally said. "This technology is ancient."

<< How? It is the latest model on earth >> I answered and got my cell phone back

<< I'm sorry but there is no way you can call your parents with this. You need to buy a new one from Magix. "Until then," said Tecna, handing me a card. "I saw a telephone booth just outside the store. You can call your parents from there >>

I thanked her and left the restaurant.

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