Chapter 23

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We got up in the morning and entered the classroom.

The first lesson of the day was geography of Magix with Mrs. Faragonda.

<< Good morning young fairies! Today we will talk about the planets that form the Magix universe and immerse ourselves in their magic and the role they played in the history of our dimension. In order for the lesson to be more interesting and for us to get to know each other better, I would like you to help me as well, meaing, whoever will raise her hand, will say to us her name and where does she come from, okay? >> she said and they all nodded in agreement << who would like to start first? >>

They all raised their hands, except me, and Mrs. Faragonda chose Flora. She told us about her planet, Linfea, which considers as the "green planet" as the inhabitants are very closely connected with Nature to the point of communicating and cooperating with it. Then Musa spoke about Melody, the place where she grew up and the love that the planet feels for music. And so the time went on, with the rest of my classmates telling us about their planets: Tecna for Zinith, planet of technology, Stella for Solaria, planet of light, Bloom for Domino and Layla for Andros , planet of mermaids and many others such as Eraklion, planet of the air, Kalistos, planet of the fairy-warriors, Espero, planet of the fairies of weather, Ohm, planet of peace but also areas where there are no fairies. Fortunately for me, I did not have to talk, Faragonda analyzed everything about Atlantis, simply adding at the end that it is the place where I was born, something that caused a stir and surprise in the classroom.

Next was the metamorphosis lesson with Professor Wizciz . He gave us a mirror and told us to imagine our hair differently. Color, shape, length, whatever we wanted and with our magic to do it. I saw most of the girls in the class do it with great ease and I assumed I could do it as well. So I tried to thought of my hair becoming straight frames. Instead, I saw in the mirror my burning eyes turning purple and my hair turning blonde and in a shape as if I had been electrocuted. Next to me a girl with red hair was laughing at me

<< Honey, if you do not have it, better to give up now. It is a pity to spend your time >> she said scornfully

"Leave her alone Victoria," replied Stella, who was sitting in front of me

<< Do not listen to her, Aphrodite, she just can not manage the fact that she will not be the center of attention in the class due to the fact that she is a classmate with 2 powerful fairies >>  continued, refering to me and Bloom

"Powerful?" She mocked. "The girl cann't do even a simple magic trick."

And at that moment all I could think about was how much I wanted to make her lose her hair. My eyes sparkled purple again and in a second a bald Victoria was standing in front of me screaming in terror and Stella was laughing saying:

"Now we are talking!"

<< Miss Aphrodite congratulations that you managed to complete one part of the exercise. In the other you failed miserably. The first is that you should do it to yourself and not to another person and the second is that you should not channel your power into negative emotions, such as anger. This is something that only witches do and besides, it will make your magic more unstable. >> said Mr. Wizciz and went in front of the chair. << This applies not only to Aphrodite but to all of you. Think about everything we said today. The lesson is over, you are free to leave>>

"BUT SIR!!" Victoria was heard

"Oh yes I forgot right" he said and with a shake of his fingers her rich red hair fell back on her shoulders.

We left the room and I saw her giving me an angry look with her friends.

"Do not pay attention to her" said Musa "She is like that with everyone"

"Who are they?" I asked

<< The redhead you shaved before is Victoria, a gem fairy, princess of the kingdom of Dolona. The brown girl next to her is Kate, she is the mammal fairy, she comes from Linfea and the girl with the black hair is Tabitha, the blade fairy, from Callisto. >> Stella answered

"How do you know all this?" I asked her

<< Please ... I know everything about this school. And one very important thing I know is that they are first class bitches. Sure trouble >> she said and we headed to a kiosk

<< And now >> she added smiling at us << tell me everything that happened with you and the boys last night >>

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