Chapter 32

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This was too much. What exactly does it imply ?! That I am a siren ?! This is all just wrong. Within a month, I have been told that I am a thousand and two different things!Can they just decide what the hell am I?!?! Furthermore, all the sirens are dead, my mother was a fairy and ....

My father...I realized that I knew absolutely nothing about him. The key to all this madness is to learn more about him, to find out who he is, if he lives, if he knows about me

"Wait, wait, you are in a hurry," said Mrs. Faragonda, and only then I realized that I was speaking loudly and I was not thinking about all this. "Unfortunately, we do not know anything about him but the only sure thing is that he is not responsible for your ... special qualities as a siren."

"Maybe you are right, but in terms of reading the thought?" I asked her

"I don't think that you mean ..."

"You, by yourself, said that this power is not 'good' and is considered dark and that I probably inherited it from my father. What if my father is a warlock? >>

"NO!" She shouted "Do not say that again. Queen Atlana knew very well the consequences of such actions and was an advocate of law and order! I do not want you to think again like that >> she said and now she lowered her tone a little more "However, I may not know the origin of this power of yours, but I think I know the reason for the existence of the other >> and she turned to show me the relief book showing me two pictures, saying:

 Queen Atlana knew very well the consequences of such actions and was an advocate of law and order! I do not want you to think again like that >> she said and now she lowered her tone a little more "However, I may not know the origin of this power...

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<< Here is an ancient prophecy written:

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<< Here is an ancient prophecy written:

When darkness escapes from the depths of the abyss, you mortals tremble. Love will not be strong enough and the secret that will be revealed will destroy everything. The forbidden union of the two will destroy empires ... Extermination, pain, betrayal and sacrilege.

With an enchanting song darkness will me locked and with the same he will be liberated. Do not lose hope. The girl with the purple eyes, whose melody unlocked the abyss from her shackles, has the power in her hands to bring her species back and stop him once and for all or to follow her sisters to eternal oblivion. >>

<< And do you think that this girl is me ?! There may be thousands of girls with purple eyes in the dimension ... Plus, they only turn purple when I use my magic.>>

"there is none" the teacher interrupted me "As you just said, when you use your powers your eyes take on this purple color. Look at the pictures. It is the same shade. >> she pointed with her finger at the second image that a purple glow was pouring from all over a woman's body.

<< The ink may have faded. In Greece... >>

<< Aphrodite stops making excuses. I know that everything I tell you has fallen very hard on you, believe me, even for us it is not that easy and understandable, but you have to accept it. >>

<< Ok ... at least can I ask ... how did you reach at this conclusion from the words of the prophecy? Can you explain it to me? >>

<< Of course. The darkness we are sure refers to Valtor as he was born in the Abyss of Souls, a dark place where the Fire of the Dragon and the Spirit of the Water stars left it barren. It is the homeland of all monsters and dark magic.>>

"And why don't you destroy it?"

<< Because my dear, without darkness, there would be no light. We need balance, so light magic needs black. "she replied and continued. << Valtor was the son of one of the three ancestral witches, who fed on fear and then transferred part of their power to him. He was powerful. The empires who are mentioning are logically Atlantis and Domino. As for the species that were lost and the placement of only the female sex, makes us believe that it refers to the sirens as they disappeared and their species consists only of women. For the rest ... we do not know anything more. >> And it did not stop there

"When you sang today, your eyes sparkled purple and sharp teeth came out of your mouth. The tips of your ears became pointed and swung at the same rate as the ears of a predator, just before it devoured its prey. That was enough for us to understand your nature as a siren. >>

<< And what does that mean? What will I do now every month that will have a full moon ?! No no no! >> I shouted. My nerves were not good. << I did not agree with that! I came here because you promised me that you could help me control my powers so that I could go back to Earth and move on with my normal life. How can I do this when I know that once a month I will be a danger to the lives of my friends! >> I said and put my hand on the brown embossed book that wrote the prophecy. Then something strange happened. I felt my body catch fire from my chest and point to the hand I was placing on the book. I could see the purple sparks covering my extremities and the letters of the prophecy shining in the same color.

 I could see the purple sparks covering my extremities and the letters of the prophecy shining in the same color

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And then I saw everything...

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