Chapter 34

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My mother returned with my father and together, with the Queen, they were locked in a palace hall. In front of me, was the scene where Atlana with a spell carried me to my mother's body and then, she and my father left for the earth through a magic gate. The Queen was now crying and her tears had soaked her beautiful dress.

With a loud bang the huge door broke, and a tall man with auburn curly hair and brown eyes entered the room. I looked at her sadly as he approached her

"Atlana ..." he try to speak with her but she wasted no time and attacked him with all her might. Tears welled up in her eyes but that did not stop her movements or her eyesight. The man skillfully avoided her movements and did not retaliate against her blows. However, her magic began to fade. It would be logically to blame that the power of water stars was now flowing in my own blood and I was no longer in her to chanel their power. When she was dry out, the silver tattoo on her hand in the shape of scales was illuminated and she was now holding a diamond trident in her hand.

"So, we can no longer talk like civilized people?" He asked, and he escaped just before Atlana's trident pierced his stomach.

"CIVILIZED PEOPLE?!" She shouted in her turn as she tried to hurt him "What do you know about civilized people?!" << YOU are to blame for everything! YOU !! >> and attacked him again but this time he grabbed the trident and with a blow to the wrist, disarmed Atlanta, throwing the trident to the opposite wall. He then grabbed her fist coming towards his face and turned her around, hugging her. Atlana was now leaning her back on the man's chest, who was stroking her hair and crying.

"Shh ..." he whispered to her as he hugged her "I'm sorry ..."

And then I saw the walls and the ceiling covered with crystals. The temperature dropped sharply. I ran to protect my mother but it was as if I was moving away instead of approaching and her image faded until it went out.

I was now in a relatively dark room. The smell of mold and rot reached my nose. And here the cold was bitter, Much more intense basically. I turned my head when I heard speeches.

This man again ... What was he doing here? My eyes are now accustomed to low light and I saw him surrounded by 6 women. They were all fit and tall, except for a petite one with very light blond hair, with long combed hair and dressed in dirty fabrics that they were just covering the controversial points. They were holding sharp stone knives in their hands and were approaching him. The one standing right in front of him, also had a wreath in her hair and gold armbands while the others did not. He seemed completely restless, not to mention he was having fun.

"Irina, your arrival made me very happy, I dare to say" he said and took off his leather jacket

<< Stop fouling around! Give us our sisters and we will leave >> said the girl with the wreath in her hair.

<< But why such a rush my dear? No one is chasing us >> he said ironically looking her in the eyes. The girls made a strange sound from their mouths, it sounded like a deep * hhhhhhhhsss * and they were showing their sharp teeth. The pupil of their eyes was thinning to the point of making a line and the tips of their pointed ears were swaying frantically.**

THEY WERE SIRENS !!! Oh my god!

"Girls ... Girls ... let's all calm down a bit," he said playfully. And then the little siren with the blond hair rushed over him, aiming his heart with the knife. Unfortunately, not only did he manage to avoid her attack but he also trapped her in his arms, squeezing the knife against her neck.

"LOLA !!" shouted the girl with white hair

"DO NOT APPROACH !!" the man said loudly and tightened the knife on Lola's neck even more, leaving a drop of blood to run on her white skin. The girl in tears apologized to Irina.

"The events just took a very interesting turn, don't you think?" He continued to say them ironically

"Let her go NOW!" Irina shouted

<< Ts ts ... my sweet Irina you are not able to give orders here. And now put down your weapons.>>

Having no other choice, they threw down their knives.

"Now put her down," said the red-haired siren emphatically

"As you wish Marina" he answered her and with a sharp movement he tore her neck with his knife and let her lifeless youthful body fall to the ground, which was stained red by the blood flowing from her throat, and he did one step back. Marina and Luna, the white-haired girl, ran to her while Clara, the brown-haired siren, collapsed in the arms of Naya, the black-haired girl, weeping. Irina, despite the sadness she felt, did not break her eye contact with the man who had taken a few steps back and was only a few centimeters away before his back hit the uneven wall.

"You will pay for what you did to our sister" she told him but he laughed and answered

"Which of all are we talking about?" And then, fires came out of his hands and lit the torches of the room, giving us better visibility.

I wanted to scream ... No no! Correction! I wanted to cry, to shout, to vomit!

Now, I understood where this awful smell was coming from. The embossed wall behind the man was clearly visible now.

It was not a wall ...

But a huge pile of dead sirens. The metallic smell of blood and rotten flesh mixed with the humidity in the room. The horrible and macabre spectacle shook the 5 sirens whose eyes were wide open.

"Now ... who wants to complete my collection?"



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