Chapter 7

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<< Which school are you referring to? I have just graduated. >> I asked

<< It is called Alfea and it also functions as a college. It is the best school for fairies in the whole Magix's dimension and young fairies from all over the universe take classes to learn to control their powers and use them for good. I would be very happy if you decided to honor us with your presence this year and to study for the next 4 years at our school. >>

I turned and looked at my parents. Even though I learned that they were not my real parents, the way I viewed them did not change. They are the people who raised me and loved me. For me, nothing is more important than that

<< Mom? Dad? What do you say? >> I asked them. They seemed relieved and glad that I called them that.

<< I consider ,Aphrodite, to be the best solution. This way you will learn to control yourself and outbursts like yesterday and today will not happen again. >> my mother answered me

I thought about it for a while. This whole debate is pure madness. In fact, I will throw in the trash all these years of trying to get into a good university. And to my friends? What will I say? With what excuse will I leave everything and leave? Good evening guys, sorry I will not spend the student life we ​​dreamed of with you but I discovered that I am a princess-fairy... My Lord! I just think how ridiculous it sounds... And Electra? What will I say to my sister? I don't want to lie to her.

"Well, listen," I finally said, "we need to find a good excuse to tell to all of our acquaintances." For example, I was accepted to a university abroad or something. Also, >> I continued << we will tell Electra the whole truth. She must know who she is and... who I am >> I said sadly.

"But you did not tell me" I said thinking "are you fairies too?" I asked my parents

"Not exactly," my father replied. "The people of Atlantis were either fairies or people who had the ability to pull scales and tails. That was their magic. However, both they and the fairies had the ability to breathe underwater. Only members of the Royal family could take both forms. >>

"So you were sirens?"

<< No sirens. Something like mermaids >> my mother explained

"What's the difference?" I asked

"Sirens were very powerful creatures and their role was to guard the oceans of all of Magix. They had the ability to create gates and move from one planet to another. Their main weapon was their voice, with which, they could enchant and control people's minds. They no longer exist because Valtor killed them all and kept their tails as trophies. Sirens lived only in Atlantis while mermaids exist on several planets, however mermaids of other planets do not have the ability to change shape and become humans like the Atlanteans. >>

"Can you still transform?" I asked again

<< No. When you were born, we decided to 'store' our forces in a safe place so that we could integrate into society without the fear of being revealed."

"So Electra..." I commented

<< Electra is like us. She was born with our magic, which we took and storage together with ours for the same reasons. >> my father finished my sentence. "We will talk to her and explain to her, regardless of whether you decide to go to Alphea or not"

I sat silent and weighed my options. After a while that seemed like a century, I decided to talk:

"I will go"

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