Chapter 43

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"Didn't you notice that you were transformed?" He asked me

I looked down at myself in surprise.


My black ripped jeans had replaced a lilac glittering mini skirt while my black lace blouse had a strapless top in the same color as the skirt. Instead of braces it had 2 rows of diamonds that fell under my shoulders, and on my feet I wore a pair of lilac high boots. I also had 2 armbands in the same color on my hands and a row of diamonds around my neck. I tried to take a look at my back. I HAD WINGS !! I did not believe it ... So the feeling I felt before, as if I were flying, was real!

The persistent cough of Ares returned me to reality. BUT WHERE THE FUCK IS AINE?!

I grabbed his hand to find a pulse and felt him weak. At the same time he lost a lot of blood. I panicked. But then an idea came to me ...

Luckily for me, I remembered a lesson from Mrs. Faragonda, who told us that our strength has many branches and is not just what we see. If I focused on the power of the spirit of water, the primary power of creation and life ...

I took a deep breath and accumulated enough water to cover my palms like gloves and concentrated on the wound in his bare chest as I rested my hands on it. I was thinking of closing it and healing it. The water gloves took on a crystal blue hue and glowed while Ares' skin began to heal slowly until no scratches were left.

I sat back exhausted as drops of Sweat ran from my forehead into streams. The color of Mars had returned to normal but had not yet woken up. Voices were heard from behind us and I saw that the battle was going on and we were losing. Beaten wizards and fairies tried to hold back the monsters without having a way to escape. When we defeated the wolf we realized that the doors were sealed and there was no way out. Even earth fairies and gatekeepers warlocks could not open a tunnel and a gate respectively, so we concluded that someone deliberately trapped us in the arena using ancient and powerful magic.

After making sure I left Ares in a safe place, I explored the walls of the arena trying to feel their energy, as they taught us in the Cloud Tower. Yes, there were very strong negative energy waves all over their surface. Except ... now I was flying! Using my wings, I reached the roof and processed the energy waves. I was right! Here they are weaker. Utilizing the current knowledge provided to us by Hogwarts, that is, exploiting the other's weak point, I threw a ball of energy at the wall. And then another. And Another.

<< Aphrodite! WHAT ON MAGIX ARE YOU DOING?! AND BY THE SUN!! YOU WON YOUR WINGS !! >> Stella shouted excitedly and the whole company came towards me. Apparently they had defeated the bat and only the huge lizard continued to attack.

<< Yes big story that is not of the present. See here >> I told them hurriedly and showed them the point where the roof meets the vertical wall. "Do you feel how weak the waves of black magic are here?" They all shook their heads.

"But of course!" Flora said excitedly. "As Mr. Snape said, we must always find the weak point!"

"Do you want to tell me that you really watched the lesson now and did not check the hot guys?" Stella asked.

"STELLA!" We all shouted at her at the same time

"Well, don't bite, I made a joke" she said, raising his hands in surrender.

Now the 7 of us focused on this point all our magical energy making a convergence spell causing a huge explosion. Luckily for us, we managed to penetrate the wall by opening a hole of human dimensions.

But we did not go unnoticed by the monster that turned its neck in surprise, wanting to see where the noise was coming from. I can not say that it was very happy when it saw who was responsible as it let out a scream and started running over us. But from the hole we had created, Director Tabok appeared and after performing a few spells, the giant scary lizard fell to the ground unconscious.

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