Chapter 42

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"Why did you bring us to Hogwarts?" Stormy asked

"I have to regain my strength," Valtor replied. "Every school holds important treasures that hide large amounts of magical energy." These will help me become strong enough to continue from where I left off ... to conquer the forces of creation, that is, the fire of Domino and the spirit of Atlantis! >>

They entered the school without much difficulty and Darcy performed a detective magic trick. Thanks to this, she saw that the majority of students and teaching staff were underground in an arena.

"Nice," she said. "Valtor, we will draw attention and delay others while you have the opportunity to find what you need."

"Usually I do not accept orders but due to the situation I will agree" he replied and turned to the first corner he found while the witches headed to the arena

"Girls ... time to have a good time" said Icy and a satanic smiles was etched on their lips

Aphrodite POV

OH COME ON!! Will we spend more time of our lives watching them fighting each other ?!It may past a quarter since the begining of their fight and no one seems to surrend. While at first I was afraid that nothing would happen, now I am bored. Even if this means Aris is going to lose ... Let's finish!!!!!!

Apparently I was not the only one who felt that way. Even the PROFESSOR had gone mad with the yawns.

And while we were so nice and well the earth slowly began to vibrate.

"What's going on?" I asked anxiously

"Something is wrong!" Flora shouted. "This earthquake is not normal."

There was panic in the room. Nobody knew what was happening. Did Jafar use some rune for seismic vibrations? This thought dissipated when I saw his confused look. It was not him. The battle between him and Ares had stopped and the earthquake was getting worse.

And suddenly the earth opened at one point and dust and dirt were thrown on it like a jet. We were scared to look at the hole in the arena.

The vibrations stopped. Absolute silence.

And then a deafening scream tore through the air. It was not human and one became 2 and then increased.

Through the hole we saw something eerie creatures emerge. The first one that came out was an oversized wolf, reaching to my height, which looked like a raging one.

 The first one that came out was an oversized wolf, reaching to my height, which looked like a raging one

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The second landed with force on the ground at 2 feet having a huge sting, like a scorpion. It was bigger than the wolf, about 4-5 meters tall.

 It was bigger than the wolf, about 4-5 meters tall

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