Chapter 36

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<< Oh what an awful music this is! And their dresses ... yeacs! >> commented Stella

From the moment we entered the club, she had not stopped judging everyone and everything. I dare to say that the place was very beautiful, of course it could not be compared to the clubs of Thessaloniki and Halkidiki, and full of people, all dressed in revealing leather clothes. The smell of alcohol and cigarettes wafted through the room, making Flora dizzy and Helia accompanying her outside to get some fresh air. The music was on diapason and the songs they played were rap, hip hop and rock. From the company only me, Layla, Musa and the boys seemed to enjoy it. We had a great time although we had a hard time ordering. As Joaquin had told me, the fairies do not drink alcohol and here they only serve alcoholic beverages, so I fought hard to persuade them to drink at least one shot. One shot became 2 and then 3 until we lost count. Me, Layla and Musa, at least, because the others refused to drink more than two glasses. The evening passed with Tecna, Timmy, Helia and Flora lounging outside the club, Stella, Bloom, Brandon and Sky talking and dancing, Layla, Musa, Stefan, Sam and I, dancing frantically on the track. Riven had found his prey for tonight, a young witch with bright red hair "dressed" in a leather dress that it didn't look as a dress at all. More like a belt. Musa was on edge not to pull witch's hair out of her head and punched Riven, but Sam was distracting her. At one point, I do not know how, don't ask me, Stefan hugged me from behind and I laughed with a joke he said while shaking my body to the beat of the music. We had come very close and when his head approached me a little further the music changed to trance and happy cheers stopped him. I came out of his arms and while I wanted to say something to Layla, my gaze climbed on a pair of emerald eyes.

He was here ... I wonder if he saw me before with Stefan ... What nonsense am I saying ?! Nothing happened to see! And basically ... even if it happened ... it's not his buisness.

Without controlling my legs, I went to greet him but a black-haired witch sat and rubbed his legs, dipping her tongue into his mouth. It was too late for me to return though, as Joaquin saw me and brought me with them. I greeted them and Ace wasted no time to flirt me. At first, he thought I was a witch because of the black tight dress I had chosen to wear and he wondered how I had escaped him, while Nabu anxiously asked me if Layla was here and when he received a positive answer, he literally jumped up and rushed into the crowd to find her. And all this happened WHILE THEY HAD NOT STOPPED KISSING !!!!

Since I decided that Ares would not pay attention to me, I left but Ace insisted that I sit down and be offered a drink. At first I refused but Joaquin's thoughts were very loud and i could listened that he did not want to be left alone in the club, knowing that his friends would be busy. So I stayed and I can say that I had a great time. . In fact, at one point we cried with laughter and Joaquin pushed me gently. The combination of countless drinks, 10-point heels and bright lights made me lose my balance and fall on the couple who was about to conceive a child on the stool.

<< Tsss girl! You do not see that you are bothering us. >> said the witch and started chewing her gum like a goat. One of the things that irritates me is chewing gum loudly.

"Sorry I did not know that the whole building had to be evacuated to catch a child with the chick over here" I told her, ironically pointing to Ares and Ace interrupted our conversation by pulling me by the arm and putting me to sit on his feet . One of his hands was on my waist and the other on my thigh and we were opposite the ''lovely'' couple and next to Joaquin. We kept talking and I felt the gaze of Ares nailed to my leg and specifically to the point where Ace's hand was placed. The beauty on his feet was trying to play with him but he no longer had an appetite, he demanded of her to leave and now participated in the conversation we had.

A sensual song was now playing on the speakers and I got up to find the girls to dance because reading Aces' mind, I realized that he had wild plans with me ...... I found them and we started dancing to the music. I was like dizzy, out of place and time. Stefan came and accompanied me to the dance, which judging by the sight of Aris, did not make him happy at all and looking at us, he drank his whiskey in one gulp, making a signal to the waitress to refill it.

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