Chapter 18

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The room seemed to be taken from a fairy tale. On one side, it was all glass and windows that hid scattered balconies behind them while on the other there was a huge buffet full of delicacies.

"Girls, see how everyone looks at us," Stella said proudly, fixing her hair

"I don't think they look at you, sweetheart," Bloom replied

The truth is that all eyes fell on me and I think it was the dress I was wearing. It was as if I was listening to them comment on it.

"Brandon" shouted Stella and shook her hand Greeting someone who was coming towards us.

"What is my beloved princess doing?" He asked and kissed her hand, bowing knightly. She blushed but did not lose her attitude..

<< Brandon I would like to introduce you to my friends: Flora, Musa, Aphrodite, Layla and Tecna. You already know Bloom >>

"I'm very happy to meet you, girls," he said with a smile and turned to Bloom. <<Sky is looking for you. Let me call him to know where to find you >> he said and sent a message on his cell phone

A few minutes after we learned some things about Brandon, such as that he comes from Eraklion, he is a second year in the Red Fountain and a fan of swordsmanship, a group of 5 boys arrived. The blonde one saw Bloom and immediately ran to hug her.

<< SKY! "How glad I am to see you," Bloom said excitedly

"So am I, my little fairy," he replied

<< Guys, these are , Stella's friends (he said the names I will not repeat them). Girls meet Sky, Riven, Timmy, Helia and Stefan.>>We shook hands and met. We talked for a while until Mrs. Faragonda interrupted us

"Welcome young warlocks and specialists to the Alfea school. It is our pleasure to have you all gathered here this year. >> Applause was heard in the hall << This year is very special as the wizards of Hogwarts school decided to honor us with their presence, which makes us very happy and is a cornerstone to bridge our relationship. Not to be outdone, have fun and dance as much as you can. >> we all started applauding and many couples headed to the track.

"Do you want to dance?" Stefan asked me

"Um ... yes of course" I replied and took his hand to accompany me to the track.

As we danced, I noticed that only specialists and fairies participated in the dance. The warlocks sat in a corner and looked at us. I felt very bad, as this event is supposed to unite us. I searched with my Look to find the girls and when I found them, I apologized to Stefan explaining my thoughts to him.

"Don't even mension it" he replied "you are absolutely right and you did well to think about it. You just owe me a dance>> he said at the end and winked at me as he left. So I went and took the girls from their escorts, Stella by force, and gathered them in a corner telling them my thoughts

<< And? >> Stella asked << since they did not ask someone to dance, why is this our fault? They may not want to dance >>

"Or they may be shy," I said, "or afraid of the reaction of their classmates." I added<<Let's go and ask them. As Tecna said, that was the main reason we held this ball tonight>>

"I agree with Aphrodite," Bloom said. "Let's go."

Looking at the warlocks, my eyes started to burn again and I felt that the boy with the black hair and the green eyes wanted to dance with some fairy but he was sure that his friends would make fun of him so I got closer to him.

"Hello" I said giving him my hand and he looked at me "my name is Aphrodite"

"Joaquin," he replied

"Do you want to dance?" I asked him

He left to look at me frozen. A small shy smile emerged from his lips which was quickly replaced by a fake indifferent look

"Yeah, whatever" he answered casually and followed me to the track. I saw that the girls had the same fate as me except for Stella who was literally dragging a young scared warlock to the track. Joaquin noticed this and started laughing

"Your friend does not accept the word no as an answer?" He commented

"I do not think it even exists in her dictionary" I replied and we laughed. As we danced I noticed that Faragonda was looking at all of us proudly and nodded to me as if was meaning to say thank you.

The dance lasted a while and we talked with Joaquin all the time. He told me that this is his first year at Hogwarts and that he is a shapeshifter warlock , meaning, he can take the form of everyone he wants. He had come with his friend Nabu and they also met two other boys, Ares and Ace, and now they hang out with them.

<< Are we going to have a drink? We danced for so long >> he asked

"Yes I'm tired too" I agreed and we went to the buffet

<< What the F*? Do you only have juices here? >> he commented unhappy

<< And carbonated drinks. They are the most delicious in Magix >> said a girl who was next to him and took her drink to go to her friends

"If so," said Joaquin, choosing one of the juices and taking out a bottle of brown liquid from his leather jacket. The smell hit me straight away

"Black rum?" I asked

He was looking at me in surprise << How did you know that? I thought fairies do not drink alcohol >>

"As you noticed from the dress, I do not follow all the rules of the fairies." I said and showed the bottle "it is my favorite drink so I indetify it immediately "

"If that's the case ..." he commented slyly and put a little in my glass

"Cheers" he said and we clinked our glasses laughing. The drink was exactly what I needed for my head. The music was not loud enough to cover my headache.

"Joaquin" an imposing voice was heard and I turned to see who was speaking

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