Chapter 9

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I could not believe what I was seeing. We were on a small hill and in front of us was a huge building in pastel colors, hidden in the foliage of a lush forest. The sun was shining and its reflection made the lake a little further away from the building sparkle as if there were millions of small diamonds on its surface. A sweet breeze caressed our faces and danced around the trees, creating a wonderful melody, which in combination with the chirping of birds and the buzzing of bees sounded like a magnificent agreement. My gaze now shifted to the building.

"This is the school of Alfea," explained Mrs. Faragonda, who had followed my gaze. The forest that stretches for miles from our school is the Magix Forest. Inside it, live thousands of species of magical creatures >>. I was left wondering about the landscape.

"And now let's move on," she finally said and started walking towards the school. We were walking on a path through the forest, thus giving me the opportunity to observe this magical world up close. When we reached the gate and I saw the imposing emblem that was at the top of the gate I stopped. What am I doing? I do not belong here. I was about to change my mind and leave when I realized I was not alone. There were many girls around, most of whom had the same expression as me. I felt their panic on my skin. This gave me a boost, I continued my course and went inside. The courtyard was huge and full of green grass and benches. In the center of the courtyard, there was a well in the colors that the school was painted in, that is, light pink and the iron sections were blue, like the roof of the school. Faragonda told me to go to a teacher, I think she mentioned her name as Griselda, which was in the courtyard, whο would explain to me what I should do. I greeted her and obey her . I approached and examined the teacher better. She was tall and had a rather lean physique, which leaned slightly forward. A few tufts of short brown straight hair entered her face, hiding her pointed stern glasses that balanced the tip of her nose and she was constantly forced to pull them back with an irritated expression. I got closer.

<< Name? >> she asked me in a stern voice bent over her papers without facing me

"Aphrodite Niriidou" I answered

At that moment Professor Griselda raised her face and her surprised gray eyes met mine brown.

"So you are the princess of Atlantis," she said admiringly. "We are very happy that you are alive and will stay at our school."

Suddenly her tone became stern again << That's your room number, school regulations, your weekly curriculum, a school map, applications for extracurricular activities, questionnaires to see if you are in good health you or allergic to something and of course the key to your dormitory >> she said quickly while she gave me a pack of papers and the key. Being late is punished. Of the meals offered by our school, only breakfast and dinner require your mandatory presence and are served at 8:00 exactly in the morning and evening. NEXT! >> she shouted at the end and I headed towards the inside of the building. After a difficult battle with myself not to drop all the things I was holding in my hands, I managed to open the map and tried to orient myself.

"So let's see where we have to go" I thought.

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