Chapter 24

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"Come on, don't pretend you didn't hear what I told you," Stella insisted. "I saw that you all had a great time with them. And not only I saw "she added dramatically" but the boys told me "

"WHAT!?!?" Most shouted

"Yes yes ... they talked and Brandon told me their stories" she replied

"So what did you learn?" Flora asked shyly, bowing her head and playing anxiously with a tuft of her hair.

"A LOT"  Stella  said << but I will not tell you anything until you tell me your side of the facts. So speak >>

None of us spoke

"Well then, I will choose." She said and pointed to Flora. "You, my little flower. Say everything to mama Stella >>

<< Me? Yes ... well...look ... >> she started saying

" if you can, we would like to hear you today Flora ..." Tecna commented

"Don't push her," Stella said, "after her it's your turn. Get ready >>

"I have nothing to say," she replied, terrified

"Shhh !!! Flora is talking now'', she told her again "We are listening!"

"Yes ... we met ... and talked about our places - he is also from Linfea - about what we like to do in our free time, our plans for the future while, at the same time, we took a walk in the garden. He was very sweet. >> she answered while her face turned red

"Oooh!" Said Stella << and he thinks the same about you. In fact, he described you as an exotic and rare flower and he can't wait to see you again >>

Flora did not say anything but she seemed to be smiling a lot.

"Tecna?" She continued. "How Timmy was? Did you like him?"

"He was a fine guy," she replied

"Is that all?"

<< I do not understand what more you want to hear Stella. There is nothing else to tell you >>

"Well, anyway, he said that you are the smartest and most beautiful girl he has ever met" said Stella and pretended to turn her attention elsewhere

<< Really ?! Not that I care .. Basically very kind of him but as I said ... >> she said trying to collect her words

"Yes, yes, you do not care" we all said at the same time

<< What about you Musa? From what I saw, Sam was besieging you." Said Bloom

"Yes, he is very kind, but nothing more. It 's not my taste >> she replied angrily

"Right" commented Stella ""  your taste are some bad boys like Riven "

"What!? No!!" She rolled her eyes

<< Don't lie. Do you think that we did not see you looking at him or how you reacted when Tabitha fell for him? It was obvious. >>

"This is not the case and I do not want you to mention it again," Musa said categorically

"Ok ..." now Stella was looking at me and Layla << Speaking of bad boys ... you girls seemed to have spent a lot of time with the warlocks yesterday. As for Aphrodite, she did not spend time ONLY with them ... so explain yourselves >>

"I told you yesterday what happened with Nabu. Nothing more, he just irritated me. >> Layla answered and raised her hands. The eyes were now on me

"Aphrodite?" Bloom asked

"Nothing happened. Last night at the dance I met Joaquin and we talked, COMPLETELY FRIENDLY, I emphasize, and I also met Stefan with whom we talked from messages last night >> I told them, omitting a pair of emerald eyes.


"Yes ... and now the whole school knows about it so yes ... thank you for that ..." I commented

"Why didn't you tell us?" She asked melodramatically

<< When? Last night we talked. I didn't find the moment to tell you>>

<< When we woke up you had to say it! Actually no! You had to wake us up! >>she continued

<< At 3:00 in the morning!? >> I asked her laughing , believing that she was joking with me

<< YES !! Anyway >> she said and straightened her hair << Just for you to Know, the guy has gone crazy with you. He was takling all night to Brandon about you.>>

I did not answer.

"Let me ask you something," said Musa. "We'll go back to him later ... who was the one you hugged on the floor yesterday?"

Oops ... what do we say now

"I did not hug anyone, I just fell on him because of my agitation to find you. I fell on a warlock and you caught us at that moment." I explained to them.

"Was he the one you shouted at when they were reaching the gate?" Bloom asked

"Yes, I wanted to apologize for falling on him and ask him if is he ok''

"And how did you know his name?" Tekna asked this time

"What is this interrogation anyway?" I asked them, a little irritated. "He is hanging out with Joaquin. He met us yesterday when we went to drink something from the buffet. >>

"Well, easy now, don't get mad ," Stella said, "we are just talking to make a conversation," and went on to talk about her night with Brandon and their stories with Bloom and Sky. I turned on my cell phone, to respond to a message from my parents, when I saw a notification. Apparently the unknown profile followed me on Instagram. I clicked to see if he accepted my request and I was shocked. The profile was no longer unknown.

It was Ares' ...

In the photo above is Sam

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