Chapter 30

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"And now, my dear, it is time to shed light on your case," said Mrs. Faragonda, and sat down in a chair in the doctor's office. "Your friends have informed me of your ... special strengths."

"Yes, I wanted to tell you, but I never found the right time" I was justified myself

"You know this excuse does not stand, right?" She said sternly and lowered her glasses a little and looked me in the eyes "We all spend the whole day in school. You had endless opportunities to talk to me. It is good for me, for the school's safety, to know such facts >>

Whatever I would say, she was absolutely right. I was unacceptable. I bowed my head. How did I expect them to help me control my powers if I hid things from them ?! Without having the full picture of me ... The problem is, that I didn't know about my strengths for a long time! About two days ago I discovered them!

"Anyway ..." she answered and was more comfortable in the chair <<If you don't mind, I would like you to inform me about your new abilities.>>

"Yes of course" I answered and explained to her the situation with the witches at school. << ... so I realized what my chronic headaches mean. In essence, it was the thoughts of those around me.>> I finished my story and remained silent looking at Mrs. Faragonda, waiting for her reaction, which was nothing but confused. I saw her tight, she avoided my gaze and my eyes started burning looking for her thought. Only the feeling of her fear was felt with the use of my powers. It was as if there was a huge barrier in her head that kept me from seeing what was going on inside. I need a lot of practice, I thought. Then she raised her eyes and smiled at me. "Do not try to read my mind, sweetheart, you will not succeed"

"What are you not telling me?" I asked demandingly. Now I was sure that something was hidden from me.

<< Aphrodite ... >>

<< I want to know! Whatever it is >> I interrupted her. She exhaled and finally spoke

"Okay ... Every fairy has ONE specific power, which comes from nature. But you have at least 2, of which, only one comes from nature. >> she said emphasizing the word one

<< At least 2 !? Apart from the water and the reading of the thought, I have others!? >> I asked shocked

<< We will go to this in a little while. Let's take things one by one so that we both don't get confused. >> she said trying to reassure me.

"One of our many problems right now is your power to read thoughts." she kept telling me, "This power ... is not a fairy power. It has a dark origin, it is a gift of witches. We have no idea why you possess such a dark power and how it coexists within you, without dissolving you or driving you crazy. >>

"But I'm a fairy," I replied, trying to process what she was telling me

"Right now my dear ... we have no idea what you are" she said and got up approaching me. <<And now we come to today's event. Do you want to tell me, what do you remember happening in Mrs. Griselda's defense lesson? >>

"I was on the podium fighting with Flora until I saw Victoria sabotage my efforts using her powers. Beyond that, everything is a bit blurry ... >> I answered

Mrs. Faragonda looked at me skeptically for quite some time. She got up and asked me to follow her to her office. As we walked between the corridors, none of us spoke. She in front of me and I followed silently thinking about everything that was revealed to me at that moment. I used to think that the craziest thing that could have happened to me was the discovery of my fairy nature ... now this has appeared! Dark power ... I mean, now I tame the black magic? Am I a witch? What the hell is wrong with me?

When we arrived I sat in the chair opposite her desk and she stood in front of the library feverishly looking for something. << But where did I left it ... Ah! There it is >> she said and pulled out three thick books worn out by time. One had a brown hard cover, the second was dark gray with an embossed cover that had some strange designs and letters on it ... like hieroglyphics? And the third was painted in the blue of the night adorned with constellations on it. She opened them and flipped through their pale pages, the intoxicating aroma of the books, for me, spread throughout the space. When she found what she was looking for, she fixed her body on the desk, leaning slightly forward. With her head bowed, absorbed in reading the pages, she said:

"What do you know about sirens?"

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