Chapter 14

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"Yes, everything is fine here." I reassured my family over the phone. "Now we went out with the girls for pizza and a tour of Magix." Have you ever been here? >>

On the other line, I heard my mother recounting the moments she spent as a child in this city. Of course I had to stop her in order to call my friends because if I didn't do it they wouldn't speak to me again.

When I hung up the phone and left the booth my eyes started to burn and I felt a strong wave of fear. The strange thing was that it did not come from me, but from a man in a huge trench coat who had just turned into the alley. Without thinking a second time I followed him until he reached a dead end and so I hid behind some bins.

"So Nat ... what news do you have to convey to us?" A female voice was heard

"Has there been any progress in your search or are you still lazy?" said another girl

"Ladies, the school year has just begun. I could not achieve her alone to get it >> said the man in the trench coat.

"IDIOT" shouted the mysterious voice and a deafening noise, as if something heavy was falling on a sheet metal, was heard. I suffocated my terrified voice covering my mouth. Now the voices spoke more slowly and I could not catch a word from their conversation so I tried to look at them, over the buckets I was hiding.

I screamed in fear

A girl with very long brown hair and yellow eyes, like a cat, full of intense purple shadow was looking at me with a satanic smile and arms crossed.

"Well, Well... what do we have here?" She said and grabbed me by the arm, pulling me towards the others. In front of me was a girl with very tufted, short, purple hair and blue eyes. Her eyes were painted the same way as the girl holding my hand but instead of purple shade, she wore burgundy. I turned my gaze to the third girl and noticed that all 3 of them had the same paint with different colors, which were corresponding to their clothes. The third one's shadows were blue and matched her icy blue eyes and white hair and next to her stood the man in the trench coat, where under the dim night light, you could see his unnatural features: he was at least 2 meters tall, fat and his skin had a yellowish tinge. Within seconds I was on the floor as the girl threw me on the feet of the girl with the white hair, who was smiling smugly.

"Hey !!!" I shouted "Who do you think you are?" I asked, obviously annoyed by their behavior.

<< Who do we think we are? We are the worst witches of the Cloud Tower and no one messes with us >> said the girl with the white hair << And now ... if you want to see the sunlight again, I advise you to tell us immediately where your blonde classmate is , Stella >> she added, approaching me menacingly.

"Go back," I told her as I crawled as far as I could. I was trying to think of a way to escape when I thought: Why am I so stressed? I'm a fairy! I have the power of water stars inside me! I can flood the whole city if I want. They should be afraid of me. And besides ... my parents taught me martial arts. I can easily handle them.

I got up confident and tried to focus on the water of a puddle behind them. My eyes started burning again but not as intensely as the other times and finally all I could do was soak all four of them. The witches looked at me furiously. "Nice work Aphrodite..." I thought.

"You will pay for that," said the girl with the purple hair, and a burgundy glow wrapped her hand.

The witches are on the picture above

Fairy Dust (English Version)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora