Chapter 28

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I was feeling lost

"Can you please explain to me what is happening?" I asked confused

"We heard a noise that woke us all up. We got up and saw Stella have turned the room upside down looking for her ring >> Flora answered and at the same time caressed Stella's back

<< And why so much panic for a ring at 5:00 A.M.? Don't tell me you will start getting ready for school now? >> I asked and I saw her get up nervously towards me waving her finger.

"It is not a simple ring!" She said. "It is part of the royal crown of Solaria!" And someone stole it!>>

"How are you so sure?"

"Because I never take it off" She replied and looked me in the eyes with suspicion. "Where were you when all this happened?" What did you do at such a time awake? >>

<< I went for a swim in the lake >>

"At 5:00 in the morning?" She asked again

I started to get annoyed. My eyes started to burn, taking on their purple form again, and I could feel Stella's anger. SHE WAS ACCUSING ME THAT I STOLE HER RING !!!

<< Yes I wanted and I went! Do I have to give you a report every time a do something? If it is, ask me what you want to know and stop the interrogation >> I told her angrily. They all seemed surprised by the change in my eyes, but Stella's voice did not leave them time to speak:

"Did you steal it?" She asked

<< No Stella. Think about it: I learned very recently about my strengths and this world, I know practically nothing yet. How exactly did I possible know of the existence of a precious ring. And if I stole it ... what could I do with it? >> I said more calmly and she lowered her head. She seemed to think about it for a while and finally said:

"You are right ... I am so sorry for blaming you." And hugged me "this ring is just magical and belongs to my family for generations and I lost it." She said and began to cry

"Magic in what way?" I asked curiously

"It's teleporting us" Musa replied as Stella's sobs did not allow her to speak

"Is that the scepter that saved us from the witches?" She nodded in agreement

"However ..." Tecna continued "you did not tell us ... What did you do when you were awake and why are you wet to the bone?"

I did not want to tell them the truth but in this situation we got involved, if I lied, I could be loading a crime that I did not commit.

"I went for a swim in the lake," I replied

"And how did you come back..." Layla asked "...since you do not fly?"

Why do I hang out with smart people...???

"I was turned around by a person I met on my way," I said, trying to hide as much information as I could. I can say with great failure as everyone was looking at me again in great skepticism

"Okay okay!" I shouted "I went for a swim at 3:00, I reached Ares, we swam for a while and because I was cold and wet, he took me back to the room, okay?"

<< But you did not get a swimsuit? Did you swim in your clothes? >> Tecna asked noticing my wet clothes.

Before I could answer my cheeks flushed, something that did not go unnoticed by Stella, who seemed to have forgotten what had just happened to her and got up like a spring

<<OH MY SUN! >> she started shouting << DID YOU SWIM IN THE LAKE NAKED?!?!?!? >>

"No no no" I said trying to collect the uncollected << he was wearing his boxer shorts >>

"What were you wearing?" Tecna asked with rolled eyes

"I ... I was wearing ... you know now..." I was trying to say something but I couldn't

"APHRODITE !!" they all said in one voice

"Can we focus on Stella now?!" I suggested, hoping to change the subject.

<< I searched the whole place and did not find it. Soon the lesson will start and I will go down to look in rooms and so on, so we do not have to discuss anything about me now.  BUT WHEN IT COMES ABOUT YOU ... >>s he replied

<< I'm going for a bath >> I interrupted her << I do not want to look like a badger in class >>

"More bath?" Musa commented jokingly "Didn't you get enough with Aris?" And everyone started laughing while I closed the door behind me.

Today we had the first defense lesson and we would go in pairs to practice. Fortunately, Mrs. Griselda put me with Flora, with whom I could defend myself much easier as I would if she put me with Victoria, with whom i should fight for my survival. However, some fairies, while asking to attend the lesson, the teacher did not consider it necessary as their forces are not designed for battle and chose one of them to help her with something. Stella told me that this girl's name is Aine, she comes from the planet Ohm, the planet of the fairies of peace, and she has healing powers. She was a short girl, with wheat skin, golden hair and honey eyes. It seemed like an ethereal being. She also said to me that she is the heir to the throne in her kingdom, but she does not want it at all, as she wants to pursue her passion, medicine, and save lives throughout the Magic dimension.

I refocused on the lesson and saw the first couple go up to the podium. In the end, having by your side Stella is very helpful, as she informs you about the history of all our classmates. The couple consisted of Tabitha, the blade fairy and Victoria's friend, and Kayla, the air fairy. The second was a fairly tall and fit girl with brown hair and gray eyes. This time Layla told me that her family is the highest ranking guards of her castle in Andros and that she and her brothers are preparing to succeed them.

A bell rang and I really felt like I was in the ring. This was not a defence lesson but a battle! Tabitha flew blades from her wings with astonishing speed, which Kayla avoided with great ease. When Tabitha was tired, Kayla started her own attack. Huge whips created by her kicks and punches from strong currents hit Tabitha all over her body until she was so exhausted that she returned to her human form falling to the floor. It was a pretty easy win for her.

Mrs. Griselda headed to Tabitha with Aine, who had taken on her fairy form and began to heal her. When she was well and could step on her feet, the second couple went up to the podium ...


For anyone who wants to see the fairy forms of the girls, are seen in the photo above



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