Chapter 44

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"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?", Said Stefan and the specialists rushed to restrain him at the last moment before he fell on Ares, with the erg to fight him.

Ares ,on the other hand, had no communication with the environment. He laughed and his bloody gums appeared. He spat disparagingly on Stefan's feet the excess blood that filled his mouth.

I was stunned to look at each other.

"What's going on again?" Kontatorta asked. "Wasn't the battle you fought before enough for you?" Do you want more? >>

"He Violated the Veto and no one is doing anything about it!" Stefan continued to mature but an explosion inside our school caught our attention.

"What happened again?" Exclaimed Contortorta, and we all ran in, driven by the noise. In the last turn we saw the huge wooden door shattered and Professor Taboc unconscious under some slate. Flora ran fast and with the help of Layla and the specialties they managed to free him.

I looked around and saw an open teleportation gate behind a pillar and 4 figures going to escape. I ran there and the 4th person turned his head bony in my face.

"Atlana ..." he said almost in a whisper and got lost in the gate, which closed behind him

Who was he and why did he mention my mother's name?

I turned back to the teacher, who was surrounded by students and teachers from all 3 schools, when he slowly began to get his strenghts.

But he did not open his eyes.

"Something is wrong," commented Timmy.

The director of the Academy of Magicians began to regain consciousness but his eyes remained hermetically closed. The pain and discomfort were etched on his face.

"No ... no ..." he murmured repeatedly and moved anxiously left and right.

His students ran to call a doctor to take him and give him first aid immediately. As he was being lifted up and placed on the stretcher, he grabbed Professor Contortorta by the arm and said in a weak but compelling voice:

<< Call the Company of Light. No one is safe anymore. >>

I got closer and reached next to them when he opened his eyes. A scream came out of my mouth. Their color had turned black and blood was dripping from their 2 ends. I took my gaze off his eyes but my attention fell on a spot on his neck.

The same as that of the monster ...

The sign of Valtor ...

After a while we all went back to our schools and our teachers pretended that none of this happened, something that irritated me and the girls incredibly.

"We have to do something! It is not possible to sit with folded arms! We have to defend ourselves! " Bloom shouted furiously and went up and down the room upset.

"It's not our job," Tecna replied without convincing her

"Isn't it? This man destroyed my planet, my family and today he returned to continue his work and do you think that I will be left with folded arms to see him succeed? You are so mistaken." Now she turned to me

"What do you, Aphrodite, have to say? Youhave also fallen victim of this magician. Don't you want to take part in his destruction? "

Having said that, her eyes looked at me full of hope that I would agree with her and maybe I could convince the others, but if I know something very well it is that when you are messing with anothers' businesses, usually does not turn out well.

"I'm sorry Bloom but I will agree with Tecna on that. The fate of the whole dimension is at stake. We are just freshmen. What could we do that would affect Valtor? Furthermore, there is a huge chance that if we act behind the backs of our teachers we will make things worse and they will haveto save us instead of doing their duty. I'm sure our teachers and the army of the Magix's kingdoms will think of something. "

She looked at me in surprise. Of course she did not expect me to disagree with her, but she already had an answer ready that left me speechless:

"You know something about unfortunate situations since Valtor is circulating among us because of you," she said bitterly.

"BLOOM!" Stella scolded her but it was already too late. Her words hit my sensitive spot. And the bad thing was that I could not be angry with her. Because he was absolutely right ... I just bowed my head and left my room as fast as I could.

"Don't pay attention to her" Flora's voice was heard behind me "she's just upset"she tried to justify her

"And she had all the rights of the world," I said and continued on my way

"No no ..." she went to say but I interrupted her

"Flora she has... Even if I set him free without wanting it, that does not make me less guilty. And believe me I want to destroy him as much as anything in the world butI can not afford of making another mistake. It is better for the teachers to undertake it. Now if you do not mind I would like to be alone for a while "

I took the next turn and headed for the exit. All I cared about was getting out of there.

To go somewhere I feel safe and peaceful

Icy's POV

"My sisters, do you have any idea what happens to our magician? "Since we came back from Hogwarts he is not in his senses."

It was true. As we passed the gate, Valtor was very anxious and went ahead without speaking to any of us, heading to the basement of the castle. For some inexplicable reason he wanted us to hide in Atlantis. He said that it would be a good hiding place and that no one would look for us here, which is very logical since it is a frozen inhospitable planet.

He has been sitting in the basement for hours now and he explicitly forbade us to go down.

What can he hide?

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