Chapter 12

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We went down the stairs with several girls who came out of their dormitories and reached the main hall where Mrs. Faragonda was waiting for us with some people behind her, I guess teachers as I recognized Mrs. Grizelda.

Now I have headache again. "Well way to go ..." I thought. When the speeches stopped, Mrs. Faragonda spoke loudly

<< Welcome apprentices to Alfea. We are very happy to have you here this year and wish you a good and productive year. Our school is famous as the best school for fairies in the magical dimension due to its innovative methods and the mentality that for the proper development of a rising fairy, general knowledge is necessary first and then the focus individually on its unique abilities. The goal of our school is to learn to cast spells, create enchanted auras, and make magical potions . You will be taught potionology, metamorphosis, , magiphilosophy, biotrasformation, magiphysics, cognitive analysis, applied , magic invocation, magic self defense, history of magic, and good manners. Thanks to these lessons, you will learn how to use and improve your powers in order to fight against evil in the name of equality, brotherhood and justice.>>

My head was about to explode. WHAT IS ALL THIS! WHERE DID YOU BRING ME !? I wanted to shout. Well I will not even comment on the good manners part... It was redicilous. I could feel that those around me had a similar reaction to mine, perhaps a little milder as they were accustomed to such terms.

"You will learn all that in 4 years" he continued, "This year, we will give pay more attention to the practice of basic spells that we can use in everyday life. Your main courses will be potionology and metamorphosis courses, as well as hard training in the simulation room. All this, in addition to improving your performance, will also help fairies who have not yet gained their wings to transform. >> she said and took a quick look at me before turning her attention to the teachers behind her

<< And now, the recommendations. I want all of you to meet Miss Grizelda. She is responsible for following the rules and will teach you self-defense. >> Miss Grizelda took a step forward and her loud and stern voice was heard.

"Young women, I do not expect anything less than your  absolute discipline and your active participation in the school lessons" Stella was heard next to me saying at the same time with the teacher

"Every year she says the same thing "she whispered to us laughing

"And one of the most basic rules" was heard to say louder this time, as if she had heard us, "is that the practice of magic outside the classroom is explicitly forbidden. Due to the explosion caused last year by Miss Stella and Miss Bloom, one of the magic laboratories will not work for some time >>. We all look the girls surprised.

<< Do not look at us like that! My father paid for all the damages! >> Stella was trying to justify herself

"Are you a sophomore?" Musa asked

"No," Bloom replied. "We were expelled so we had to start the year from the beginning."

"And we continue," interrupted Faragonda, "with Professor Paladium - he will teach you potionology, Professor Whiskey - he will teach you the art of metamorphosis, Professor Dufour - he will teach you a history of magic and good manners, Professor Avalon - will teach you the philosophy of magic, Professor Valanda - will teach you dance and especially ballet, Mrs. Ofilia - school nurse, Miss Barbatea - school librarian and Mr. Sfoglias - a talented chef of the academy.>> << Now, you are free for the rest of the day >>

"But be back before 8:00 for dinner," Griselda hastily added.

The crowd slowly began to disintegrate and the 7 of us stayed with the teachers.

"Mrs. Faragonda?" Bloom asked. "Can we ask you something?"

"Of course Bloom," she replied, and we told her what had happened in the room before we went downstairs. She reassured us, telling us that it was not something important: It was a consequence of the meeting of our forces, and that in time they will stop. After telling us not to worry, he left with the other teachers and we were left alone.

"Girls, do you want to go for a walk in the city?" Layla suggested and we all agreed immediately.

Ah I can't wait to see what Magix is like ...


Pictured above is Faragonda

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