August 31st

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Y/n parents were standing across the room. Why? Did I do something wrong? No, it can't be. Maybe they just want to get to know my parents. Mrs. Rosier had a sad look on her face as if she regretted being here in this room. On the other hand Mr. Rosier had a furious look on his face. But why?

I took another sip of my black coffee and greeted them: "Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Roiser." They didn't answer. Mr. Rosier just gave me a death glare. Ok, now I was nervous, I mean he is the richest man alive, he could easily destroy our family after all.

I look at my father. Was he scared? No, he was terrified. I've never seen him terrified of anything. My lovely mother was looking down. Ok, now I know that I did something I shouldn't have done.

"Draco right?" asked Mrs. Rosier with a warm smile on her face. "Yes, it's Draco, Mrs. Rosier," I said as confident as I could. "It was lovely to have you last night," she added. I gave her a nod in response.

"I do not accept the fact that your son, Lucius, was in my daughters bedroom while she was taking a shower. He appeared into her room. Do you, Lucius Abraxas Malfoy, know how disrespectful your son was? I don't think you know who you are messing with. Yes, I am the richest man alive and yes, I am more important than your whole bloodline and yes I could destroy your family but I am also a father of a wonderful daughter. You might have heard of her, she is powerful, she doesn't even know how powerful she actually is, so I have to protect her. We have rules in our family," Mr. Rosier said while raising his voice.

"One of these rules is to NOT bring boys at home. I know she didn't but your son was in my daughters bedroom while she was wearing only a towel. You might think you are important because you are rich but not as near to us as you think. There are a lot more pureblood families that are richer than yours in this world, so I ask you Draco," he screamed while turning from my father to me. Shit, I messed up. What have I done? "To never touch my daughter with your filthy poor hands again! Do you understand me?" he asked. "Y- yes, sir, I- I will," I said while lowering my head.

And with that he turned and left. His wife gave me an apologizing smile and ran after her husband. I looked up to my father. "You, do you know what you have done? How dare you look into my eyes!" my father screamed as I lowered my eyes again. "Lucius..." my mother whispered while putting a hand on my fathers shoulder.

"No, Narcissa, he has to get punished," my father said with a murderous expression on his face. "You messed up our relationship with The Rosiers, I should kill you for that... but I won't," he vocalized while taking his wand out of his cane and pointing it at me. "Crucio!" he shouted.

I fell to the ground screaming in pain. I should be used to this by now but it gets worse every time. I just wanted to die at this moment. But as my eyes started to close I saw hers...

Then everything went black. the last thing I heard was my mother screaming at my father to stop...



Gloomy was soooo sweet. It learned to fly again. It was the end of August. Tomorrow I will take the Hogwarts express to my new school. I was excited! I packed my trunk.

August at the Rosiers manor was beautiful, especially because I never saw that blond git again. I mean it was a little strange because he never seemed to leave his room. Not that I stalked him. No, I just sometimes glanced over to his bedroom window and he was always there. He was always reading a book on his bed.

"One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel García Márquez. One of my favourite books. He wasn't the fastest reader but it was quite interesting to watch him read. It was calming, he looked so peaceful. Oh no... I was stalking him. At least I'll have a chance to stay away from him at Hogwarts.

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