Flashback 2

725 11 1

November, 1996

I look to the floor and see their dead bodies on the floor. I've killed both of them without even realising it. I remember killing the first one, but not the second. How?

As the adrenaline in my blood slowly starts to fade I remember the presence of the woman and the boy. I look up and see their shocked yet thankful and relieved faces. The woman is still in shock but the boy slowly moves forward and starts thanking me, at least I think so.

I feel proud. I smile at him, but I don't think they see it though because my hood is still covering my face. What should I do now? I've killed two people, yes two killers, but what now?

What if I- no, y/n that's dumb, I am surely not going to try to kill Death Eaters to kill Voldemort in the end. But what if that's the only way, I mean what can I lose? I have no-one and no-one knows that I'm alive. So I decide to turn around and walk away with my head held high with my newly found purpose. And surely I'm taking their wands with me.

These muggle-borns did nothing wrong. They don't deserve being tortured and killed over their blood. I'm going to help them. I'm going to free them. I'm gonna kill them. I'm gonna kill Voldemort and his pathetic friends. He will not be able to run away from his death for much longer.

I put the stolen wands to use and immediately apparate to London. I walk into the first public bathroom I can find. I forgot to change my appearance. They'll recognise me immediately if I walk around looking like that. Think y/n, THINK!!

Then it hit me. 3rd year. I got bored and decided to change my haircolour with a spell. Hmm, what colour would look best on me and at the same time makes me blend in with all the muggles?

"Crinus Muto" I whisper. I look at myself into the mirror and at my now silver hair with black roots. I smile at the outcome and now the clothes... Even if I knew that it wouldn't last long before I'd change it again.

I decide to just wear the most boring outfit a wizard could wear and walk out into the streets of London. Ok, y/n, now go to Diagon Alley.

I go into the local library and begin my research on the Death Eaters. The next few weeks I search for their plans, their headquarters and I get every single information I can find. I found people who'd get me the information I need.

I have enough Information to hit my next strike.


31st August, 1996

I apparate myself to Italy. Milan to be exact. Macnair and Mulciber are the most feared once in all of Italy. So they are gonna be my first target. It's actually nice around here. Beautiful nature and nice people.

But I have to stay focused. I'm not here to enjoy myself, no. I'm here to get revenge on the monsters. The Death Eaters, on Voldemort and on everyone who supports them even only out of fear.

I follow them both around for about a week and once my hatred for them is big enough I kill. Brutally. It's planned through, it's not just the adrenaline and hatred in me that makes me keep going even if the blood and organs around me should gross me out- no it's revenge. It feels like faith, like I was destined to do so.

I laugh while doing so every time. Killing Death Eaters became like a drug. I can't go too long without giving one of them a free ride to hell otherwise I'd literally go insane.

It's so satisfying to hear them beg for mercy and see their lifeless bodies every single time. It's funny actually. They look like scared little children regretting their decision to disobey their parents. The fear in their eyes is so entertaining and seeing their life leave their eyes, slowly, makes me even happier.

I don't know how many of them I killed already but I always make sure to engrave a crossed out V on their body, to let everyone know that I was the one who killed these monsters. I was the one that took their life and made their bodies my bait.

So I won't have to look for them anymore. They'll just come to me. Every kill is planned, my every move is planned, no mistakes. Only when my knives touch their body, my plans become irrelevant. Then I let myself lose control for a bit and just kill. I normally don't use the wands I take from them. They don't work nearly as well. 'The wand chooses the wizard,' but it's also not nearly as satisfying.

The Death Eaters fall into my trap every time. They're so predictable. It's pathetic. And the funny thing about it is that every time I kill one of them they're shocked about the fact that I'm a woman. The newspapers still don't know who I am. They call me "The Hooded Figure" and it's pathetic of them to assume that I'm a man just because I can kill. Sexism at it's finest.


A few months have passed since I killed these two cockroaches in Hungary. Now I'm in New York and I've already killed 90 Death Eaters. I'm famous. But that's besides the point. I have a plan, a good one too.

So I've noticed that Tom, even if Harry tried to kill him multiple times, couldn't die. It has to be some kind of spell or a potion. So I made a plan...


I heard that Malfoy arrived in New-York a few days ago. So Malfoy... Voldemort's new right hand. His new pet. The new coldblooded killer. He has been killing muggles and muggle-borns left and right. I have been watching him and his pathetic crew since they arrived. The funny thing is, nobody knows that I'm always there.

They think they're safe in their little camp in the middle of the woods. It's not like everybody could walk through these anti-apparation-lines at any moment and they wouldn't even be able to apparate to some other place. They're so naive and pathetic it hurts.

Once some of them started to walk into the forest to look for me, I saw my chance to finally satisfy my lust to kill again. It's been bugging me since I arrived at this camp and now I'm gonna give it what it so desperately wants. Turn your switch, y/n, I tell myself, turning my emotions off.

The moment Pucey and Nott go to take a piss and Malfoy is standing somewhere completely else, I strike. I walk up to him. Pathetic he's scared like a little kid. "Shhh, it'll be fast, I promise," I whisper, putting my left hand on his chest.

I stab with my knife in my right hand right through his heart. His eyes go wide in surprise and he slowly fell to his knees. Then again shortly before his heart stopped beating I pull my knife out of him again and scribe my symbol onto his neck.

"Good luck in hell, Goyle," I whisper, touching the fresh caved ruins on his neck.

After that I walk away immediately and look for Malfoy. He is standing away from everyone else staring into nothing, seems like he tries to remember something. His eyebrows are furrowed and he looks mad even.

I stand opposite from him and wait till he notices me.


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