Flower crown

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He has no emotions on his face. His grey-eyes are cold and lifeless. My vision starts to blur. I feel tears streaming down my cheeks. "No, no you don't mean that-" "Get the fuck away from me, or better get the fuck out of my life, I'm sick of you, Rosier!" he storms out of the bathroom, taking his clothes with him.

He called me by my last name, the last time he did that was when we still hated each other. I start to sob... My legs give out and I collapse onto the floor. I put my left hand on the floor to support my body. I curl my fingers, gripping the cold brick floor harder.

I couldn't stop my tears. They are running down my cold cheeks like a waterfall. I can't believe him. I know he liked me, he even told me but why is he pushing me away all of the sudden? I- did he really just use me again? Those words hurt, I hear them constantly in my head "pathetic little slut".

I should have never fallen for him in the first place. Why, y/n? Why him? He's a fuckboy, he uses girls for his own pleasure and then just throws them away. And he proved this twice!! "Hey," a voice says behind me. I gasp and abruptly turn around and see two redheads standing in the doorway.

I wipe away my tears. "Hey," I reply. "Sorry did we interrupt something? Wait, were you crying?" George asks. "No. I- I was just-" "You were, we heard you from the outside," Fred adds. "Do you wanna talk about it?" George asks. I shake my head. If I tell them, they'd probably kill him.

"Do you have something to ease pain?" I ask them, still hyperventilating. "Well, do we? We do have something, but we don't encourage you to take it." Fred answers, with a smirk on his lips. "I did drugs before, don't worry guys," I say, standing up and walking over to them.

George puts one of his right hand in his trousers and pulls out a little package with some colourful pills in it. "Our new invention. We mixed LSD with ecstasy." George says proudly. "Proud of it, aren't you?" I tease them.

"Oh we are, we know that some muggles do it but we've never seen these mixes in the wizarding world," George rambles. "Please don't get addicted again, ok?" "Wait, how do you know about that?" I ask them. I've never told anyone. "We have our connection, maybe some ferret whispered this information to us." Fred answers, handing me the package from George's hand.

Right, Draco... He noticed. Sadness rushes through my body again. I look down to the little colourful pills in my hands , "Thanks." "Hey" - I look up to them - "if you need someone you can talk to, we're always here for you." George rassures me and winks.

My throat tightens and my eyes fill with tears again. "Sure bros," I choke out, keeping in my tears. They both exit the bathroom, shortly after I sit down on the floor. "Come on, y/n. He doesn't want you, so become the girl he can't have," I tell myself outloud.

I open the package and take out a pink pill with a smiley on the top. Funny. I put it on my tongue, close my eyes and swallow it. Never cry over him again, I promise myself, even if I know that I'll break this promise. I lay down and let the drugs take over my body. Minutes pass and I slowly open my eyes again. I start to see rainbows everywhere. The room is spinning but it's not an uncomfortable spinning, it's calming, surprisingly.

"What are you doing here? If I'm not mistaken, you're not a prefect," huh? Oh... fuck, Marcus Turner, Ravenclaw prefect. I sit up. "Umm... I- sorry I thought it was a different bathroom-" "No, you weren't Slytherin," he hisses with disgust in his voice.

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