Fallen angel

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Malfoy, look up, look up. Urgh, do I fucking have to step on a brach? Yes I have.

He looks up. Finally! Took him long enough. I pull my wand from my wand-pocket, while still holding my blood drenched knife. He looks- scared? That's the first time I see him like this. He's actually scared. OF ME?! Ha, if only he knew.

He slowly gets on his feet as if he tries not to scare me away. What does he think I am? A scared little school boy. He takes out his wand and points it at me. But right then Pucey and Nott walk up to him. Damn, right when it started to become interesting.

I hide behind a tree and wait for them to leave.

"Malfoy! Malfoy, where are you?!" "I'm here." he says, turning to his friends.

"You're alive," Nott says. Well, no shit Sherlock. "Goyle is dead, Nott and I went to take a piss and as we came back he was lying lifeless on the ground.-" "It killed him, the figure. He had the crossed out V carved on his neck. I think a knife went right through his heart." Nott adds. IT?! The fuck they think I am? A fucking CLOWN?! But oh well, how right they are.

"It's here, it can't be far. The anti-apparation-lines reach deep into the forest," Pucey states. That's true if you look at it from the camp's point of view but he doesn't know that the anti-apparation-lines stop right next to where I'm standing. Sometimes I ask myself if they even have a brain.

"Malfoy, you're the Dark Lord's right hand, track it down and kill it," Pucey orders. "We go back to the camp and tell the others," Nott adds. Uhh does that mean I'm gonna be alone with Malfoy? Just the two of us in the middle of the woods. It's time for my plan to turn to reality, I tell myself while a sneaky smile creeps across my face.

Malfoy starts walking to where I stood before and follows the drops of Goyle's blood. Y/n, keep calm and be a bad bitch.

I walk around the tree, out of my hiding spot and watch him examine the blood on the floor. "Quite a brave one, aren't you? You know, you should have run back to your camp with your friends, staying here was the wrong decision." I state, scaring the shit out of him.

I'm now leaning against the tree with my beautiful blood covered knife in my hand. I examine it like a sociopath. It's fun actually. They're always so scared when I do that.

I watch his expression change once he realises I am a woman. That's always the funniest part, their expression when they realise I'm not some stupid man. "Like all the other ones I killed. You're surprised that I'm a woman." He couldn't open his mouth. "Now, it didn't look like you were shocked as your friends told you that I killed your other friend, how come?"

"He wasn't my friend." He says in his cold and deep voice. "Who are you?" He asks, rolling his broad shoulders back to straighten his posture, to appear more confident and did he gain even more muscles? Stop y/n, stick to your plan!! I order myself. I push myself off the tree and put my knife into my knife pocket. "Like everyone is calling me. I am the hooded figure, but I rather describe myself as an old friend," I say with a smirk on my face.

"Do I know you?" he continues to ask. No response. How could I? I wouldn't even know what to say. 'Yes? I'm Y/n Rosier, ya know the girl you've fucked?'

Get your shit together Y/n! "Now... Do you want to fight or accept your fate? You won't survive either way." I say instead of answering his question.

"I-" I can feel the dark magic radiating from his body.

"Shhhh, I already decided for you," I whisper, kissing his earlobe and leaning over his broad shoulder from behind. I can feel his back muscles tensing as my lips leave his cold marble skin. I keep my left hand on his shoulder as I slowly pull out my goblin made knife from my knife pocket.

"Tell your Death Eater friends to run and don't come back looking for me because I'm coming for you," I hiss while I stab him into his stomach, sparing all his important organs.

I pull it out slowly to make it more painful and take my hand from his shoulder. I can feel his warm blood dripping from the knife on my hand. He instantly puts a hand on his wound and turns around. He's pale and his facial expression turns from one twisted from pain to a cold, murderous one. He raises his wand.

A satisfied smile creeps upon my lips. "You should probably heal that wound, I put boomslang venom on it. You have five minutes before it causes your blood to thicken." Lie.

He freezes. His wand is pointed at me.

"The clock is ticking, Malfoy. I'd run to a healer and pray that it isn't too late," I whisper, taking more steps backwards because I know the apparation-lines by heart. "Avada-" Is the last thing I hear him hiss through his bared teeth before I apparate to my hiding place.

A cave. Not far from the Death Eaters' camp, protected with a Disillusionment Charm and a Notice-me-not charm. They walked past it several times, but of course didn't notice.

My feet touch the ground. My legs instantly feel like jelly.

I spoke to Malfoy...

I saw his face. It looked different. He looked more grown up, more masculine. His cheekbones are more defined, his shoulders broader and his platinum blonde hair longer. He has changed a lot in just one year.

Dark magic surrounded him. His demeanour was cold and his Death Eater cloak and leather boots made him look like a killer. I've heard a lot about him in the last year. Tom's right-hand man who kills innocent people....

I know he's smart enough to find a healer and I know he'll survive it because I didn't actually put venom on the blade. If I kill, I do it fast and I would never let someone live without having a plan. I know that he'll tell Voldemort and the Death Eaters that he survived an attack from the "hooded figure" because it was my intention.

He's cunning, he'll try to kill me. I know he's tasked to do so. Maybe if he hates me and wants to kill me it's easier for me to see him like all the others I've killed. But I can't, I can't kill him!

I know my plan doesn't involve killing him, but I think in the end I'll have to... Why wasn't it Pucey who became Voldemort's right hand? I could have killed him so easily. But not Draco. Not him.

But I'll have to. Draco killed a lot of people to get to the place where he is right now and he tortured people until they begged for their death. I don't know if I know him anymore. The Draco I knew would have never killed, he might have beaten their asses but he would have never killed anyone.

I wanted to kill him, but-

I let him run. To make my plan work, of course. I didn't kill. I couldn't kill. I can't kill the person I love. Yes, after all this time I still love him.

I need him.


I was on my own, an entire year. Lonely. I had no one to care about or to protect. Being alone is better. If you fail it's your fault and you don't have the problem of keeping anyone safe because there is no one by your side. But now... why do I want him so desperately by my side?

I tried to stay away from him as long as possible, but the moment I saw him sitting there on the leaf-covered ground, something twisted inside me. No, something awoke... a flame.

I missed his pale skin who shines like marble in the sun and moonlight. I missed his platinum blond hair which makes him look angelic. His more defined features, cheekbones, shoulders and muscles, make him look like a prince from a fairy tale and his Death Eater robes and boots make him look like a fallen angel.

But he is a Death Eater. He is vile and cruel. He is a murderer. He is a monster



I know the chapters are sort, but it's the best I could make the cuts. 

Anyways if you liked it, don't forget to vote ;)

Thank you again for reading this story :)

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