9 ¾

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"Master Y/N...Y/N wake up, you have to go to school," Cosette said in her high pitched voice. "Mmmh... !10 more minutes come on," I mumbled. "Non, non, non tu te dois lever. Ton père t'attend dans la salle à manger pour le petit-déjeuner. Vit, vit, il n'aime pas attendre (No, no, no, you have to get up. Your father is awaiting you in the dining hall for breakfast. Come on he doesn't like to wait.)," she said. "Okay, I'll stand up," I groaned back.

Time skip → platform 9 ¾

We appeared there. The first thing I saw was the Hogwarts express, it was... B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. WOW I stood there in shock. We had carriages which were pulled by winged horses 'The Abraxan'. They are gigantic and extremely powerful and have an appearance akin to that of a palomino. Their hair is white in colour, and is used as an ingredient in potion making. These horses drink only single malt whiskey and require forceful handling.

But this train just hit differently. It was a rustic black and red train with a lot, and when I say a lot then I mean a lot of carriages. And then I noticed all of the students and parents wishing their children good luck.

I said goodbye to my parents and hopped on the train. I didn't know where to sit because every compartment was full and I do not like to socialize because I have anxiety. I looked and looked til I found a compartment with a platinum blond girl sitting in it. She seemed nice and welcoming.

I slid the door open. "Hi, may I sit here? Every other compartment is already full?" "No, come and sit. I'm Luna, Luna Lovegood by the way," Luna said politely. Her voice was high but calm. "Thanks, I'm Y/N btw" I said while sitting in front of her.

"Y/N Rosier? Nice to meet you. It's an honor for me. I would have never thought that a Rosier would attend Hogwarts but I'm really happy," she answered.

Time went by and I got hungry. Don't they offer their students food on a seven hour train ride? I asked myself. "Hey Luna, do we get something to eat?" "Well... only snacks from the trolley," she answered with her light Scottish accent.

What? What is this school poor? Do they expect us to starve to death before we even get there? Like I get that Hogwarts wasn't the best when it comes to safety. When I was still at Beauxbatons we heard stories that students had to go into the forbidden forest as detention or that prisoners got onto the grounds or even that students died.

Then the door slid open again. There he stood with some others behind him. "Loony you outfit is horrible! and why are you always reading that stupid magazine?" said a girl with black hair and a pug-shaped face. "and you must be the new girl? a mudblood?", said a dark skinned boy behind Malfoy and next to pug-face. "Zabini, you do not want to mess with a Rosier" said Malfoy with a serious voice "A what?? man, y'all keep surprising me, anyways I'm Blaise Zabini" he said chuckling "um I am y/n" I said turning red not being used to all the attention and interest.

"So, what do you want?" I asked. "Idk, making your life a real hell? haha," Malfoy said with his iconic smirk. "Haha... funny really witty," I hissed back. "Don't talk to me like that you slut," he barked back. "Or what? You gonna hit me? Unlike me, you are just words Malfoy!" I said in a sassy tone. Surprising myself once again, where does this sass come from?

His gray eyes stared deeply into me as he said: "Out...out now all of you!" I have to admit I was a little afraid. He was big and strong and he could easily hurt me. But would he? "Never talk back again, do you understand me ?!" he hissed while choking me slightly. I felt his cold rings on my neck. As I didn't respond he tightened his grip on my neck.

"I'm not afraid of you, Malfoy. Please choke me to death. I have nothing to lose," I remarked. He loosened his grip a little and gazed into my eyes. I felt my legs turn into jelly as he turned me on. I mean this boy knows how to push my bottoms. "Am I turning you on Rosier?" Malfoy whispered into my ear. "Do you want more?" he provoked me.

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