Potential killer

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It won't follow canon from now on. 

Sorry for the time skips. 

Draco's POV

I'm sitting in transfiguration class, not paying attention. I'm constantly thinking about her. The way she stumbled into the common room yesterday with her Death Eater robes on, a bruised eye, her bottom lip bleeding and multiple cuts on her face. She looked horrible.

She looked broken, not only from the fight and the things she had to go through in order to get the prophecy, but also because of me. The words she asked me a few days ago are running through my head.

"Why do you care?"

At that moment I wanted to take her in my arms and tell her I still love her. But no, I broke her heart a fourth time.

"Mr. Malfoy, would you follow me," Snape says, standing in the door frame of the classroom. "Yes Mr. Malfoy, will be excused, professor," McGonagall interferes.

I stand up, packing my things and leaving with Snape. "Professor, did something important happen?" "I'm not the right person to tell you." he answers swiftly. Why? Something definitely happened.

We enter the potions classroom and I see my mother standing there, next to Mr. and Mrs. Rosier. Both women have tears in their eyes. Y/n... I haven't seen her since yesterday.

"My son"- I freeze looking my mother into her eyes- "your father is a Death Eater, they questioned me today about me knowing his allegiance to You-know-who and I said no, but he... he's in Azkaban now."

My mother is good in lying. It doesn't really affect me. He's a horrible person, but I know my mother. She's his wife and she hates being alone. With my father in Azkaban, she'll lose it. Only two more days and I'll be with her, till then she'll be broken.

"There's another thing we have to tell you, Mr. Malfoy"- Mr. Rosier states. I tear my eyes away from my mothers to meet his- "I know about your relationship with my daughter, Mr Malfoy. We were informed this morning by one of the aurors working at the Ministry, that- as revenge for losing the prophecy our daughter y/n was captured and killed by Lord Voldemort-"

Mrs. Rosiers sobs fill the classroom. "Shh, darling." her husband comforts her. "We'll leave, thank you professor and Narcissa," he says before guiding his wife outside.

She's dead.

My angel is dead. I couldn't tell her that I love her.

"Draco...-" my mother says. I look up with tears in my eyes.- "Tell me how it happened, mother." No response. "Tell me!" I scream.

"She was strong... She fought against the Imperius curse.- She had to k-kill Olive by herself and sh-she took all her superhuman-strength and turned to... the Dark Lord. She cast the curse,... only getting it fired back at her. T-They threw her body into a Hungarian forest... to get eaten by dragons-"

My mother is crying. "I- Draco, her last request was to tell you that she loved you."

I- I love her too.


*31st August, 1996*

The summer has passed. I took the mark for my family's safety. My mother is a shadow of her old self but one could say the same for me. I got a lot thinner over the past months.

Never, not even once did she leave my head. Not even in my dreams. Her voice melodic as the one of an angel, her sent tender as vanilla and her eyes deep as pools of honey.

My chosen one (+18/ SMUT)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora