Avada Kedavra

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Lucius Malfoy and Mattheo Riddle. We stop in our trak. We aren't supposed to be seen together according to what Lucy ordered from Malfoy. "Father?" "Draco, I see you're spending time with Ms. Rosier. Do you remember what I asked you?" the platinum blonde man says.

Asked? Rather ordered and threatened. "Yes, father-" "It's partner work, Mr. Malfoy. I put them together," Snape snaps, giving a suspicious look in my direction.

The air in the room is getting thick. I'm starting to sweat. Why did Snape defend us? Why is Lucius taking his time to respond? Why is Mattheo here? Why are they both here?!

"Sorry, mmh... why are you here? Especially you, Riddle?" I ask, trying to change the subject. "None of your business, Rosier," Mattheo snaps. "Well I think it is, Ms. Rosier. It's about- Draco my son would you excuse us for a moment?" he starts.

With a mumbling "yes father" and a stirn nod Malfoy leaves the classroom.

"Well, Ms. Rosier, it's about the task in two days. You have to convince Potter to go and find Black, if you don't-" "I know, Lucius. And then I'll apparate to the ministry?" I finish his sentence.

"Yes, now, off you go," the platinum-blond man speaks with his head held high and his British accent. "Professor, our assignment," I give Snape our paper and leave the classroom with mixed feelings.

How am I supposed to get Potter to go and help Sirius, but tell him that I won't help him? And what if I fail? I don't care if I get tortured, but I don't want Olive dying. Olive... I haven't heard from him since the winter ball.

I know that he's not ok. The Dark Lord is surely not treating him like a servant, but more like a slave, something inferior, just because of his blood. What if he isn't even alive anymore? What if he killed him and Mattheo hasn't told just so I'll do my part of the task?

What if Potter listens to me, but he finds a way to escape and we don't get the prophecy from him? What if he gets help from the Order? What if we have to fight against them, I mean I know that I can fight, Bella trained me after all, but they're adults with a lot of knowledge and experience.

I'm- I'm just a girl... Oh no, what if my father helps them? I heard from Potter that he was at a lot of meetings of the Order. What if I have to fight against him? What if he sees me? He'll disown me, I-

"Y/n... Y/N HELLO DO YOU HEAR ME?!" "Huh? Yeah,... yeah. What did you ask?" "I asked you what my father wanted to talk about, but now I start to question if everything is ok, you don't look ok," Malfoy asks me.

"Yes, he just asked me something that has to do with the taks," I'm surely not going to tell him, "I gave Snape our paper," I add. "Good. Wanna spend the rest of the evening at the astronomy tower?" he asks.

What is he trying to do? "You know that I still haven't forgiven you? And you know that-" "I know what would happen if my father finds out. Yes, he'd probably torture me, but still wanna go?" Okay, I guess...

We walk through the hallways not exchanging a word. It's quiet. The moon is shining and the stars shine bright in the pitch black sky. I open the door to the staircase to the tower. Halfway up the stairs I look out of one of the windows. I inhale the scent of the evening breeze.

As I want to continue to climb the stairs I slip. I fall back, but then I feel cold hands on my waist caching me. I feel his rings pressing against my skin under my blouse. And suddenly I feel his body against mine. I'm leaning on his toned chest.

My chosen one (+18/ SMUT)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora