Never have I ever

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"How should I do that," I asked, a little pissed because he didn't tell me more. He just sat there without looking at me. "Concentrate, picture it in your head" he hissed. "How?" I asked frustrated. "How do you conjure a patronus?" he asked. "With a favourite meaningful memory," I said. "Then try" he hissed and went out of the classroom leaving me there all by myself.

Snape could be petty if he wanted but nevertheless I wanted to try; just to get this over with. I couldn't tell him that I didn't have a special happy memory though, that'd be just awkward. But if I had to choose one I had to choose a happy memory with Olive. I truly was the happiest with Olive. He deserved better and to think that his body was never found was a tragedy.

So I think about the day at the fair, where we won Draco, my teddy bear. I remembered the wide smile Olive had when he shot the balloon and got the teddy. All of a sudden I felt this warm heat on my hands, and I could see lights going through my hands. I could shape forms and shoot lights with my hands. It was difficult keeping the lights controlled.

It consumed a lot of energy, I got exhausted and felt like fainting again when Malfoy walked in, with a glass of water. I hid my death mark rapidly and hid my super-strength. "Snape told me to bring you this, that ferret really thinks he can order me around '' he says, I didn't have energy to talk nor to take the glass of water. I was panting and sweating, I had a blurry image of everything and had to concentrate on not exploding because of my super powers.

"How many times are you going to faint, before you go to the infirmary?" He implies "Malfoy, leave me alone, I need time alone. Please. Leave the glass there. You can go, I'm okay, I'm begging" I puff out of breath. To my surprise he leaves as I reach out to take the glass of water, I drank the water as I was trembling. I felt this sudden weave of coldness.

The water was helping me. I regained strength. I wanted to leave but I had to keep on trying. I sat there for another three hours. As I looked at the clock, I noticed that dinner was already over. I guess no food for me once again. Finally Snape entered the classroom and dismissed me with a disappointed expression on his face. What did he expect? I couldn't learn this in one day.

Curfew was in an hour so I still have time left I think as I go to my dorm and take some type of pills. I got them from the 'drug dealer' from Beauxbatons in the summer. I tried them once and they were the best. They were like my little extra when I feel exhausted or not in the mood for weed. They are dangerous but I just take one maybe every two months.

I call them my happy pills because they don't make you feel calm but happy. Like I could let out my real laugh with these pills. The last time I remember that I let out a real laugh without being high was when Olive was still with me.

With these happy makers I could laugh at everything. I started to giggle and then broke out into a real laugh. It felt so good. But I know that it won't last forever and that when it wears off I feel even worse but I shouldn't care. It's not the right time. I felt really sleepy and for the first time in a long time I fell into a deep sleep.

"BEEP, BEEP!!!" "I'm up.... I'm up," I said while crawling out of bed. I had a terrible headache from the drugs but I had to stand up and go to class. I had DADA first. How fun... Seeing Umbitch first from all the teachers in the morning. It gives me a lot of motivation (*ironic).

I put on my robe and I rolled up the skirt as short as possible. I felt really comfortable in my clothes this morning. Pansy and Blaise were awaiting me in the comonroom. "You're finally up, baby," Pansy said while giving me a hug. "Thanks guys for waiting for me," I answered. "No, problem y/n, but why are you Pansy's baby?" Blaise asked confused. "Because she's much sweeter than you are of course!" Pansy hissed.

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