Silver boy

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"What the actual fuck Malfoy?" I hissed. "You know what? Whatever happened was a big fat mistake. That should have never happened. I will not be part of your ideology okay? I will fucking hate you til the day you actually respect women. I will stand up for myself. You cannot show up whenever and wherever you like when you're just unwanted. What are you?A demon? My father said it and I'll say it again so your little tiny teeny brain will get it. I do not like you. Your ideas about women are fucked and just wrong. Your ideas about the Dark Lord being dead is just untrue, and if you'll not change your mindset I won't even be able to look at you. And excuse me but I actually have a party to attend and for your information Harry Potter will be my date. So try and not let your possessiveness and jealousy scare off - yet another - guy." I left the room while Draco was still frozen in his place.

If I'm not wrong I even saw his eyes water a bit. Whatever that was, I hope I never see him again. In the back of my head all I can think about is how I just dug my own grave. I headed to the front door of the Slytherin common room where Harry - dressed like an angel - was awaiting me.

"How are you doing y/n" he asked as if he was somehow worried about me "I'm fine, thank you for asking; how about you?" I asked back "I'm good. Thank you for coming to this party just for your information, this is a mixed house party but it's still my party though. So if anyone bothers you, just come to me" he utters.

I am a little surprised to be honest; why would he worry about me? When we arrived at the party the first thing I noticed was the booze. And then the mass of people, the fact that I noticed the booze first was funny to me which is why I chuckled a little bit. "Noticed something funny, Rosier?" scoffs Potter "No nothing, everything is so ironic" I say while Harry looks at me with a confused grin.

What I really felt was that for a while now it feels like the world has been telling me to leave. Pansy comes running to me and hugs me really tight. "Hey y/n do you want to play truth or dare with me and other cool people?" she asks "I prefer not doing so, besides I'm still sober. I need some booze to have a human interaction with strangers." I say "Well, I'm begging you. Join us later, I will not accept a no as answer" she insists.

I nod and fill up my cup with what seems to be a punch. Then I see a platinum-blonde guy entering the room so I hyperventilate and ran across the room to search for Harry when a tall guys stands in front of me I accidentally spill my punch on him "oh my god, I am so sorry I- I do not know what to say" I utter before looking at the guy. "Don't worry about it love" he nicely says "How could I help?" I ask politely "How about you give me your number?" he asks me with a smirk. I can't believe how smooth that was. I can't help but blush.

"Hmm, i don't think I can help you then, how about a compromise? How about you give me your number?" I state. "Sounds about right" he says afterwards he hands me his number "Under what name should I save you, pretty stranger?" I ask "I prefer Daddy, but Cedric Diggory works as well too" he chuckles and I laugh "See ya pretty boy, I'm sorry for the mistake though!" I giggle and walk off. I see more booze and I fill up my cups. My coping mechanism is just letting it hurt until it doesn't hurt anymore. I feel everything spinning around me, I feel funny -- and bored.

I stupidly decide to go over to Pansy and her group of friends. I notice Draco and proceed to roll my eyes. "look who came! if it isn't't y/n Rosier herself? the super freaking hottest girl at our school" indicates Pucey. "You know Puncey or whatever the fuck your name is. You're not hot. You're just like your little friend ferret boy over there" I mumble drunkenly and point my finger at Malfoy "dis-gus-ting. "I am not just a pretty girl, I actually have feelings. More or less" I proceed.

"Let the game begin Pansy, before I kill someone tonight" I ramble. "Okay guys, who wants to start?" Pansy asks when Draco raises his hand. He looks over to me and before asking me if I wanted a truth or a dare he pulls his hair back. "truth." I confidently say while hearing Pucey saying "prude" under breath. "I came to the notice that you'd come with Potter to this ridiculous party, and I don't see him around you. Did he let you down?" he provokes me.

My chosen one (+18/ SMUT)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora