Big cold hands

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contains SMUT


"Hey mother I'm back," I shouted through the house. "How was the walk?" she asked. "It was good, I'll be in my bedroom!" I said while climbing the staircase. I took off my clothes and went into the bathroom to take a shower. I switched on some music and stepped into the warm shower.

I like my showers warm especially in these times where I can't get warm. my heart seems frozen. It seems like something is missing. Olive no not him. I just need love and I mean someone other than my parents, someone I can tell my mistakes. Someone I can tell that I'm a Death Eater and someone who won't judge me.

Yes... Malfoy was right... I need someone to talk to but who? I can't tell Zabini nor Pansy. Potter would kill me and the same would do his friends. I wasn't allowed to tell Malfoy, not that I would, he'd probably bully me even more.

My mark started to burn. Now? Urgh, I hate it. I tried to rub it off but it stayed. I mean it should, after all it's a magical mark, it's made to stay forever. I didn't want to cry, I had to fight my emotions. Not by taking drugs but by concentrating on feeling numbness. But I don't want to feel pity for myself, that's just weak and I'm NOT weak.

I took a deep breath and only then I noticed that I've been under the shower for the past 55 minutes. I stepped out of the shower and dried my hair with a drying spell. I put on my pajamas and laid down on my bed.

"Y/n, lunch is ready! Your father is also here!" mother shouted from down stairs. I always wondered how I could hear her all the way through our manor to my room, must be some kind of spell.

"Father, you're finally here. How was work?" I asked him after giving him a little hug and sat down on the side of the table while my parents were seated at either end of the table. "Well not good, Cornelius Oswald Fudge is still convinced that Voldemort isn't back but I can guarantee that he is. Our aurors of the Order of the Phoenix are still looking for the lost death Eaters. They have to have a headquarters somewhere. We only have to find out where it is and if I discover that someone I know is covering them, I am GOING TO KILL THEM WITH MY HANDS!!" Father said through gritted teeth.

Shit I was in danger and if he knew that some of them were hiding in the manor next door he'll go insane. "I'm sure you'll find them soon, father " I reassured him. That was a close one, maybe I am a pretty liar but an ugly crier. "How long will you be staying honey?" my mom asked me, interrupting the awkward silence in the room, god I was so uncomfortable sitting there, knowing my father was stressed and under pressure because of the Death Eaters, well, because of me.

"Um, a week mum. I'll be staying a week, I have to get to Hogwarts then" I chuckled, I actually had to go to the secret pure-blood ball next door and attend private Dark arts lessons at the Malfoy Manor. Voldemort needs me to be fit for the next fight. "Yay, I can't wait for Christmas eve tomorrow!" my mum states while my father eats in silence I can see him smirking though, probably mocking my mum's excitement.

After dinner I wished my parents a good night's sleep, hoping I would get some sleep too. I headed to my room and looked out the window, I cringed at the fact that I did but there he was standing there in his room. Wait, he only had a towel wrapped around his waist. I could see his v-line and his flexed abs. Holy shit, I looked away. That was attractive. "To think that it was the holiest month for my family" I whisper to myself

I felt my cheeks turn red. Why is he affecting me like that? Yes, I mean he's hot as fuck but there were also other attractive boys at Hogwarts and Beauxbatons, why didn't they affect me this way? Without even noticing I was looking over to him again.

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