Flashback 1

854 12 1


June, 1996

"Avada Kedavra!" I gasp and sit up.

I try to gasp for air. It feels like I have no air in my lungs, like the tissue is collapsing. Everything is so bright. I can't see anything. I try to rub my eyes with my palms, but my whole body feels like I've been hit with the Cruciatus curse.

What has happened to me?

Why am I so cold?

When I open my eyes - I am no longer in Malfoy Manor. Where am I then?

I'm still wearing my Death Eater robes. But my mask is gone. I look around. Trees. Foliage. I'm in a forest, but where are the others?

Why am I here?

I was at Malfoy Manor. But I don't remember what happened.

I close my eyes to think. I can't, my head hurts. Badly. I hiss.

I was in Malfoy Manor and.... Olive. I had to kill Olive. I, uh... Nothing. I can't remember. Why am I here alone? Am I in the forest next to the Malfoy estate?

I force myself to stand. Everything hurts. It hurts like my body has been set on fire. The flames spread through my body, going through every vein. I feel every nerve aching, my fingertips stinging as if I have millions of ants under my skin.

I look down at my arms. The skin is pale. I can see the blood running through the veins. My skin has lost all its naked shades. It is white. I look like a ghost.

Am I dead? Is this hell?

No, just the backyard of Malfoy Manors. I'll just go back. No need to worry, I think to myself, trying to calm my pounding heart.

I lift my right foot off the ground to take a step. I shift my weight forward and put my right foot in front of my left foot. I don't remember walking being so strenuous.

I lift my left foot, shift my weight forward, onto it in front of my right foot. Step by step I reach a tree. I have to sit down. I have only managed to take five steps. What has happened to me to make me so exhausted?

And why am I alone?

For several minutes I sit there thinking about how I ended up here.

The sun is slowly setting and my muscles finally relax. I take a few deep breaths, lean my head against the tree trunk behind me, close my eyes and bite my lips before placing my hands on the leaf-covered ground beside my hips and pushing myself off the ground.

I exhale as I stand. I start to walk. Slowly. At each tree I pause to take a few deep breaths and continue.

I know the backyard of Malfoy Manor is big, but I've been walking for half an hour and haven't or couldn't reach the manor. It feels like I'm walking deeper into the forest. The trees have strange shapes now. They look like monsters.

The mist hovering over the ground is getting thicker and it is getting colder by the minute. This is not the backyard of Malfoy Manor....

Okay, no need to freak out. Take your wand, cast a 'Lumos' or an 'Incendio' to make a small bonfire or warm yourself with a warming charm. I tell myself.

I reach into my cloak to retrieve my wand from its velvet wand pocket - "Damn!" It's not there. Okay, maybe it's in my cloak pocket. It's empty.

"Ok, no need to freak out," I tell myself, running my hands through my hair, "just find somewhere to sleep tonight, yeah?

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