Chapter 14

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"Tsunade-sama,is it really a good decision to trust them?"

Sakura asked unsure,an S-ranked criminals having a peace treaty in Konoha? Why would they do that,based on the report all of the Kyubi's vessels were alive,they returned the tailed beast to them.No one is dead,they even work for the other village to help them on their missions.

"Im not sure,but we both know their capabilities.Even the other village signed a peace treaty to them,no one happened so far.If anything did happen,I'm sure I can trust you right?"

"Yes."Sakura firmly nooded.

While the groups headed to Konoha,so far no one talk.Everyone is guarded to the Akatsuki,even the hyperactive bloned isn't very energetic.Sakura occasionally received curious glance at the others, but she ignored it.When this people arrived,someone escorted them into the Hokage's Office,the civilians are highly restricted to come to see them. After all it's for their own good,Sakura didn't said anything either.

"So let's talk about business,we can't trust you fully.We investigate what have you been doing for a while, although we did not find anything bad I'm not stupid to trust you all,a bunch of (former?)criminals." The Senju-hime said firmly,her eyes judge them one by one to the point that even the village own shinobi felt pressure,except for the disguised-pink haired kunoichi.

After all she have been training for years,this kung of pressure won't affect her much.

"We understand."Konan the spokesperson of the group nodded,with the consent of the Leader of course."I won't explain further,as you said earlier,you have been gathering information about us.All of it is true,we have decided to turn things over,we don't need anything than alliance,in return we'll do things for this village."

"Like what?"

"As what you think,hire us.Use us as you please,we won't fail anything as long as we form an alliance."

The room is muted.

Sakura narrowed her eyes at them, they don't seems lying but there's a reason for this right? She thought.

"Fine then."the others wanted to question her but the hokage already raised her hand shuting them up all at once."But you'll be under,Sachi's supervision.Atleast for half a year,we won't pry your things but we'll move if it's regarding to the village."

"This is Sachi,she have been my student for a year.She recently came back from her travel,respect her as much as you respect me.Never underestimate her,she can do things I can't after all."


The ex-criminals squinted their eyes at her,she seems ordinary but at the same time.To be able to completely hide her chakra to them is a bug understanding,also to have a word from the Lady Hokage they don't lowered their doubt at her.

"You go with her."and with that she dismissed them.Once they walked out of the building,she turned her head to them and said:

"Well then,since I'm in charge of you will be living with me.Dont worry though,my house is bigger than you think."

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