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A lady with bobbed black hair walked up to the counter of a small local café, nails tapping the full plastic cup she held impatiently.

A small boy, no taller than 5'1's attention was caught, spinning on his heel and looking up at the lady from the other side of the counter.

"Is there a problem, ma'am?" The boy asked, his head tilting to the side, green bunny ears perked.

"Yes, there is a problem. I specifically ordered the Caramel Vanilla Latte with EXTRA whipped cream. Now take a look at this." The woman shoved the drink in the boy's face.

The green-haired bunny looked at the drink centimetres from his face. He looked up innocently at the woman. "It has whipped cream." The boy spoke, not a drop of venom behind his words.

The woman made a face of disgust. "You little brat, look at it! There's almost nothing in there! You're a tight bastard, does whipped cream really cost that much? Make me another one, now!"

Green doe-eyes darkened in an instant. The boy had a mind to pour the still hot drink down this old bitch's crotch.

"Is there a problem over here?" A woman with blonde, tied up hair joined the conversation, throwing a slightly damp cloth over her shoulder.

The customer rambled with complaints, the blonde haired woman nodding and bowing apologetically. "I'm sorry the coffee wasn't satisfactory the first time," She stood up straight. "We'll give you a new one on the house with as much whipped cream as you want." The woman gave a friendly smile. She then turned to the boy. "Make this nice lady a new drink, Izuku."

"And get it right this time." The customer snarled.

Izuku's eye twitched, forcing a smile. "Yes, ma'am." He turned to make the coffee from scratch, mumbling cusses under his breath.

Izuku Midoriya is an Omegan bunny hybrid. He possesses a cute green bunny tail with white tips. Green bunny ears adorned his little head, poking out from his green, unruly hair. He's small, standing at a mere 5'1. Despite his petite height, he has a perfectly curvy body, attracting the attention of many Alphas. However, Izuku payed attention to none of it.

He didn't want an Alpha, he wanted to be independent and get by on his own. Both his parents had died in a car crash almost a year ago now. When they did, Izuku's whole world fell apart. He had been protected and cared for all his life by his loving parents, and now he's all alone. He moved away from the countryside he'd grew up in to start a new life. He decided to move into the city. He decided he'd get by on his own. He didn't need an Alpha to take care of him, he could take care of himself just fine. That's what he always told himself, anyway.

The sky had faded from a baby blue to a pretty orange and pink sunset. Izuku wiped down the café tables, staring at the clock that hung on the wall, counting down the minutes until the end of his shift. Admittedly, Izuku hated his job. His manager was a bitch, and the customers treated him like garbage. But, Izuku needed the money.

Bunny ears perked up at the sound of a bell. Izuku turned to look at who had entered so close to closing time. There in the doorway stood a tall, skinny man, blonde bangs hanging drowsily by his tired frown. His feet dragged as he made his way to a table, exhaling long and exhausted, as if that was his first time sitting down all day.

Izuku walked over to the older man, prepared to take his order. He opened his mouth to speak, but the mysterious man beat him to it.

"A black coffee, please." He asked, looking at the Omega, giving him a tired smile.

Izuku nodded, making the man his coffee and bringing it to his table. The man thanked the bunny, blowing on his drink. Izuku could make out from the lack of scent that the man was a Beta. After taking a sip of his coffee, he gestured to the chair opposite himself, asking Izuku to sit.

Izuku tilted his head, wondering what the man wanted. He took the seat opposite the tall man, playing a game of thumb wars with himself as he anxiously waited for the man to start speaking.

Before he did, he grabbed a small card from the inside of his blazer pocket, sliding it over to the Omega. "My name is Toshinori Yagi. I'm the owner of the strip club here in the city. I couldn't help but notice you through the café window, and I thought you'd be great working at my club. You're an Omega, aren't you?"

Izuku's cheeks flushed. That's not a question to be asked so casually. The bunny awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "I am, yes."

"Perfect! And don't worry, I can assure your safety, the club has very high security. We provide the best for our workers. And the pay is good, much better than whatever you're being paid here."

Before Toshinori could say anything else, a ringing was heard from his pocket, and he answered quickly. His eyes grew wide as he hung up almost immediately, grabbing his things and quickly finishing his coffee. Izuku stay put, watching with pure confusion plastered on his face.

"I'm sorry, the club opens soon and I'm late, so late. Think about it, alright? If you decide you want to apply, come over to the club tomorrow, it's not hard to miss. It opens at 8, but come over at 6 so I can show you the ropes. Oh, and thank you for the coffee, it was delicious!" The man bowed, and then bolted out of the door.

Izuku watched as the man ran, giggling at his antics. He looked down at the man's business card which sat on the table in front of him. "Like I'd ever take my clothes off for a bunch of old, horny Alphas to get off to. Yeah right, not gonna happen." Izuku mumbled to himself. He dismissed the card into the pocket of his baggy, black shorts.

Izuku arrived at his apartment building, sighing as he opened the grimy door with his sleeve. He walked up the flights of stairs to reach his floor, walking up to his door. He saw a notice sellotaped lazily to it, the paper claiming that Izuku was late on his rent, and as a result, his door was locked until it was paid in full. Izuku's jaw clenched tight, a low Omegan growl escaping his mouth. He stomped back down to the ground floor, hoping to wake up the whole building. He stormed over to the woman behind the counter, throwing the now scrunched up ball of paper at her face.

"What the fuck is this?" Izuku demanded, fists balled.

"What, can't you read? You owe me money." The woman snarked.

"I don't owe you shit, I paid you just last week."

"You're an Omega, that means you pay weekly, not monthly." The woman smirked, looking down on the boy.

"That isn't a law, you dipshit!" Izuku snarled. He wanted to wipe that smirk off of her ugly face.

"My apartments, my rules. You're gonna get me that money in a week or you can say bye-bye to your home."

Izuku closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, attempting to calm himself from exploding. "Fine. How much is it?" Izuku's jaw dropped when the woman behind the counter held up the amount he 'owed'.

"And how in the FUCK do you expect me to get over 70,000 yen in a WEEK?!" Izuku's temper had gotten the better of him, not that he cared. That was a ridiculous amount.

"Figure it out, slut." With that, the woman disappeared into her apartment located behind the counter.

"SKANK!" Izuku yelled after her, holding up his middle finger, leaving the apartment block, slamming the door behind him.

After some walking around, the boy found a small red bench outside a nearby park. He decided he'd spend the night here, not that he had much other choice. It was either this or the ground. He hopped up onto the bench, laying on his back, staring up to the bland night sky. The sky was beautiful where Izuku grew up. He adored staring up at the night sky and admiring the millions of stars. But there wasn't a star in sight. Izuku sighed, shifting to his side. It was cold out, and all Izuku had to warm himself was a thin, blue jacket.

He looked on the ground, a small object catching his attention. He picked it up, recognising it as the card that man had given him earlier. It must have fallen out of his pocket when he lay down. Izuku's floppy ear twitched.

"Maybe it's not such a bad idea..." With that, Izuku drifted to sleep.

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