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Izuku's eyes opened slowly. He lay still for a few moments, allowing his eyes to adjust to the light. Once he could see clearly, he sat up, instantly laying back down after a sharp pain rushed through his back.

"Damnit, this is what I get for sleeping on a damn bench." Izuku sat up again, pain spiking in his back and neck. Izuku rubbed the back of his neck, attempting to soothe the pain. His situation really sucked. The bunny pulled his phone from his pocket to check the time, only to find it dead. 

The greenette sniffled, feeling a stray tear stream down his cheek. He quickly wiped it away with his sleeve. "I don't need no Alpha. I can get by on my own." He told himself, voice cracking at the end of his sentence. He looked up at the sky, a face of determination, although it isn't so convincing with such red, puffy eyes.

The little Omega decided to go and have some breakfast with the little money he had left on hand. After some searching, he spotted a quaint little café. He went in, shyly ordering a small stack of pancakes.

"Of course, sir. They'll be ready in a few minutes." The kind waitress bowed, walking to another table.

Izuku smiled to himself. She was nice, much nicer than the people he used to work with at his old job. He huffed at the memory.

Izuku ate his pancakes, patting his belly after the last bite. He looked out of the window, watching as people walked by. He exhaled, taking in the world around him. His eyes wondered to a passing couple, watching as the man held his arm protectively around the woman's waist. Izuku tapped his nails on the table, a dull expression on his face.

"Don't need no damn Alpha." He growled, quickly turning his attention to the other people in the café. Luckily, no one had heard him speaking to himself.

With a sigh of relief, he stood up from his seat, thanking the woman who'd served him, and leaving the café. 

"I'll have to go back there some time, that was nice." Izuku muttered to himself, smiling contently. 

He didn't know what to do now, with no money on hand and no place to stay. He decided to take a walk around the city, hopefully to familiarise himself with the area better. He passed lots of interesting looking places, making mental notes to come back and check them out once he had a place to stay and felt safe enough to take his money from the club. If he takes it out before then, it'll no doubt be stolen while he's sleeping.

Izuku had been walking for a while, when he decided to take a break and sit on a nearby bench. That was when realisation hit him. He has work again today, and had no idea where he was. He'd completely lost track of time, too distracted by the sights of the city. He pulled out his phone to check the time, only to remember that it was dead. 

He started to panic a little. Being lost with no track of the time is scary, but for an Omega, it's seriously dangerous. He looked at the people around. He found a woman sat on a nearby bench, rocking a pushchair gently. She looked like his safest bet.

Hesitantly, Izuku made his way over to the woman. From what he could tell from the lack of scent, the woman was a Beta. Once he was a little closer, he could see that she didn't have any scent glands. He approached the stranger, smiling up at her. 

He shyly asked her the time, pointing to his phone, explaining that it was dead. The woman pulled out her phone and told Izuku the time, giving the Omega a friendly smile. Looks like his intuition was right.

"Almost 6pm."

Izuku exhaled. He still had plenty of time before work started. He bowed to the woman, thanking her, and started walking in the other direction.

Chase | BakuDeku [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now