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After Izuku had finished showering, he changed into the clothes that Katsuki had given to him. He pulled the shirt down his small frame. A wave of burning and caramel filled his senses, making him stumble a little. This was Kacchan's scent.

"Of course these are Kacchan's clothes." He muttered, looking down at where the shirt ended, almost to his knees. Honestly, he wouldn't mind all that much, considering the Alpha's scent sent him into a state of ecstasy. Only, that's exactly what Izuku didn't want.

Suddenly, a different scent filled Izuku's nose. Except, it wasn't the scent of a human. He followed the smell out of his room, and down the stairs. He looked to his left, finding that the scent was coming from the kitchen. He peeked his head in, eyes lighting up and bunny ears perked. He saw two plates of delicious looking pancakes, with whipped cream and strawberries.

You could say, Izuku has a bit of a sweet tooth.

He then heard footsteps behind him. He turned around to be met with the explosive blonde. Katsuki could practically see the stars in the little Omega's emerald eyes.


Izuku nodded rapidly. He hadn't eaten in almost an entire day.

Katsuki chuckled, walking into another room attached by an open archway. "C'mon then."

Izuku followed the blonde into a grand dining room, the type you'd typically see in a castle. The table was long and had chairs placed all along the sides, with one, padded chair at the end of the table, presumably Katsuki's. He sure has a big dining table for someone on his own.

Katsuki sat at the chair on the end, Izuku sitting a couple of seats down from him. Katsuki didn't like that, but he decided not to say anything. A man in a chef's uniform carried in the two plates of fluffy pancakes Izuku had drooled over earlier, placing them in front of the two boys, and leaving them alone to dig in.

Izuku took his final bite of his breakfast, sitting back in his chair, smiling contently. Katsuki watched as the Omega patted his belly. That belly would carry his pups one day. He smiled at the thought. Then, Izuku got out of his seat in a rush.

He bowed to the chef, thanking him for the meal, turning to dash out of the room. Katsuki watched the Omega rush out, raising an eyebrow.

"The hell is he up to..?"

AN//Sorry to cut in right here, I usually hate doing this but I was getting somewhat frustrated with comments. Please keep in mind while reading that this story is, "Omegaverse" which is obviously very different from a regular "human" au. Having animalistic traits, it's normal for an Alpha or Omega for mating to be one of the first things that they think about when seeing somebody they have an interest in. Their whole dynamic is centred around mating, hence heat periods. If that makes you uncomfortable, then Omegaverse stories may not be for you — or this one at least — and if you are just new to Omegaverse then I'd suggest reading up on it a little for a better understanding, since it can be a little confusing to read about at first. Anyway, thank you. I hope this cleared some things up. Back to Izuku!

Izuku hopped down the huge staircase over to the front door. He noticed Katsuki standing in front of it, speaking to the tall, dark haired man Izuku had met the previous day.

He decided to skip right past them, reaching out to grab the door handle. The two men turned to the Omega, causing Izuku to flinch from the sudden attention.

"Where are you off to in such a rush?" Katsuki questioned, looking the boy up and down at the clothes he'd given him. He forced back his smile.

Izuku turned to face the blonde, his face laced with concern, despite his usual scowl.

Chase | BakuDeku [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now