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A few hours had passed since the incident, and luckily, Izuku had almost completely forgotten about it. He was sat at the bar, chatting with Mina and Uraraka about the brunette's possible love interest.

"You? Settling down? That's absurd!" Mina chuckled.

Uraraka balled her hand into a fist, lazily banging it against the counter top. "Hey, I'm serious!" She giggled. "I think I really like him."

"Where did the two of you meet?" Mina asked, leaning forwards over the bar, eagerly.

Uraraka perked up at the question. "We met in a book store, actually! We both wanted the same book, but there was only one copy left, and he let me keep it! Heck, he even bought it for me! It was so sweet of him, but I felt bad; so, I asked him out on a date so that we could read it together!" Uraraka beamed, glad that she had met somebody with the same interest in books as her. "Not to mention, he was so hot."

Izuku smiled at his friend's enthusiasm. He was glad that she had found somebody she liked, she deserved it. Besides, he wasn't sure he liked her sleeping with all of those guys. Being the protective friend that he is, he knew that that kind of thing could be dangerous.

Uraraka continued talking about the Alpha she'd met, Mina listening intently. Izuku, however, had clocked out of the conversation. The girl's words sounded slightly muffled, and he couldn't focus on what she was saying.

He averted his eyes from his friends to around the room, noticing that he was getting dizzy. Everything seemed as if it were moving in slow motion, his vision growing blurry. He lifted his hand, brushing the tips of his fingers against his wet cheeks.

That was when it hit him. Izuku was going into heat.

He quickly ran out of the club and into the changing rooms. He couldn't be caught in heat, especially not in a place like this.

Izuku dove to the floor and began digging through his backpack.

"Suppressants, where the hell are my suppressants?" He thought out loud, throwing his bag back down when discovering that they weren't in there.

He stood back up and caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He was a mess, his cheeks a dark shade of red and his eyes glossed over with tears. He glanced down at his scent glands on his neck, remembering back to when he'd imagined the blonde's fangs seeping into his delicate skin. Then, Izuku remembered. He'd left his suppressants on his sink in his bathroom.

"Fuck!" Izuku cursed. He took a deep breath. He needed Denki, and quick.

He was sure that he would have suppressants that he could give to him, and then he could get Izuku out of there as soon as possible. He needed to hurry, too, because soon Izuku's heat would take over his body completely.

He opened up the door which lead back into the club, rushing down the corridor which separated the two. His pants already began to feel tight.

He ran through the crowded club, his hand placed over his scent gland as to prevent his scent from sending the surrounding Alphas into rut, but that'd only help for so long. He almost crashed into the table when he'd made it over to the group.

"Izu, you look terrible!" Denki gasped, quickly jumping up from his boyfriend's lap.

"D-Den..." Izuku trailed off, before suddenly losing his balance and falling forwards. Denki quickly reacted and caught him before he could fall all of the way. Izuku couldn't stand up on his own anymore. He needed a bed, and he needed one now.

Katsuki snapped his head towards the stumbling Omega in alert. His cinnamon scent was different than before. It was sweeter, and much stronger. 'Is it possible that...'

"What's going on?" Kirishima asked, eyes widened in panic.

Denki lifted the Omega up the best he could, placing Izuku's arm over his shoulder for support, though, Denki being an Omega himself, he was struggling to support the boy's weight on his own.

He looked up at the group, gulping before answering. "Izuku's going into heat."

Those words were all it took for Katsuki to instantly shoot up from his seat. He took the Omega from Denki, holding him up bridal style.

"I'll take him home." Was all he said, before sprinting out of the club with the half-conscious Omega in his arms.

Denki and Kirishima exchanged glances, before nodding and running after the blonde.

Katsuki hit the brakes a little suddenly, shaking the car to a stop when they were back at the mansion. Izuku was sat in the back with Denki, while Kirishima and Katsuki sat in the front, using their shirts to cover over their noses. Izuku's scent was so strong that they had to roll down all of the car windows.

Katsuki and Kirishima hopped out of the front of the car, greeting Iida and handing him the car keys, quickly explaining the situation. They then turned back to the two Omegas, who were almost at the mansion, as Denki struggled to carry Izuku on his back.

Once they'd finally made it, Momo was there to greet them, when she saw the greenette's situation. Luckily, Momo wasn't into guys, so seeing Izuku in such a state didn't have an effect on her, so long as she didn't inhale too much of his scent.

Katsuki and Kirishima ran inside of the mansion to catch up with the two boys, to find Momo leading Denki up the stairs and towards Izuku's bedroom.

Katsuki leaned against the large, wooden door, exhaling in relief that he'd managed to get Izuku home safely. He had no idea that Izuku was going into heat. He wasn't showing any signs, or he was just really good at hiding them. He wished Izuku would've mentioned his heat sooner, although he could understand that it might be an embarrassing topic.

A voice suddenly spoke up, breaking Katsuki from his thoughts.

"What're you going to do?"

Katsuki turned his head to face the red-head, who had already gained back his composure from running all of the way from the car to the mansion.

"Hah? What am I going to do about what?" Katsuki raised his eyebrow.

"About Izuku. He's in heat, aren't you going to help him?" He asked, wholeheartedly.

Katsuki shook his head. "No, that wouldn't be fair. I'll make him mine when he's ready, and he can't think for himself at the moment. He's in no state to make that decision." Katsuki stated, face expressionless, despite the countless emotions currently running through him.

Kirishima was shocked for a moment. Katsuki was being awfully considerate. Although, Kirishima had never seen Katsuki interested in somebody before, so maybe this was normal. Nonetheless, Kirishima smiled, watching Katsuki walk away and disappear into the kitchen.

Katsuki really cared about Izuku.

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