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Izuku handed drinks out to a table, shooting the Alphan women at the table a wink before turning around. Izuku almost jumped out of his skin when he was met face to face with Uraraka, who'd been sneakily standing behind him.

"Ura, you scared the crap out of me!" Izuku exhaled, holding a hand to his chest.

Uraraka giggled, grabbing a hold of Izuku's wrist, pulling him closer, allowing her to whisper into his ear. "I need to talk to you."

Izuku was taken off guard by her sudden serious tone. "Alright, but what about?" He asked, wearily.

Before the girl could reply, Izuku felt an arm snake around his waist. He turned his head to find Denki.

"Hey, Denks." Izuku smiled.

"Hey Izu, Ura." He replied, turning to Izuku, speaking in a quiet tone. "Look who's here." He nodded to his left. Izuku turned around, spotting Kirishima and his friends.

That wasn't much of a surprise to him, he'd noticed that they come here often. But what did surprise him was seeing Katsuki there too. Izuku felt his cheeks warm.

'What is he doing here? He didn't think to tell me that he'd be coming? Did Denki know that he was coming? Why didn't he tell me?'

Denki nudged Izuku with his elbow, noticing that he was spacing out. "Blondie's here, why don't you go on over there and make a move~?" He encouraged in a seductive tone, wiggling his brows suggestively.

"Not happening. Besides, I'm not even interested." Izuku crossed his arms, looking away, knowing full well that his cheeks told a different story.

Denki wasn't buying it. "I don't know, if you ask me, you have a thing for Mr Kacchan~." He leaned towards the bunny, smirking devilishly, mocking the childish nickname that Izuku addresses the wolf by.

"Whatever." Izuku didn't bother to protest any further, and just rolled his eyes playfully. He was about to head over to the bar to sit down, when his wrist was suddenly pulled in the opposite direction.

"Denki?" Izuku questioned, not getting a response.

Denki dragged Izuku over to Katsuki's table, smiling brightly when he saw his boyfriend. He crawled his way into the red-head's lap, running his hands through Kirishima's spikey hair.

"Hey, hope you don't mind us joining?" Denki asked, despite already having invited himself.

"Not at all, I was actually hoping to see you." Kirishima responded, smirking lewdly at the mouse straddling him.
Izuku rolled his eyes. Why was Izuku dragged over here anyway? To watch Denki seduce his boyfriend? He had better things to do.

He turned away from the group, heading over to take another table's order. Whatever Denki was trying to do, it wasn't going to work. He had to think about work, not dick.

He approached a table of tipsy, male Alphas, taking down their drink orders. Once he'd written the last order, he slid his pen behind his ear, turning back around. He was about to go to the bar to give Mina the orders, when his attention was disrupted.

One of Izuku's co-workers, a female stripper with long, dark, brunette hair, seemed to be flirting with a certain blonde. His eyes narrowed as he watched her feel up his strong arms, gasping when she couldn't fit her whole hand around them. Izuku rolled his eyes.

'Nobody could fit their hands around an Alpha's arm, you're not fucking special.'

Denki frowned when he realised that Izuku had left instead of sitting down, catching his lover's attention immediately.

"What's wrong, babe?" Kirishima asked, bringing a hand to the mouse's cheek, caressing it lovingly. Denki leaned into the soft touch, his lips still pouted.

"I'm trying so hard to make sparks fly but it's just no good. Izu is too stubborn." He whined, burying his face into Kirishima's chest. He'd told his boyfriend all about how he was trying to hook Izuku up with Katsuki, and about their little bet.

Kirishima chuckled, rubbing Denki's back soothingly. "I wouldn't be so sure about that." He claimed, looking up to see Katsuki, who had a look of disgust on his face, as the woman pushed her arms together against her chest, squeezing her boobs together. He cringed slightly, glancing over to Izuku, seeing his eyes burn with anger and jealousy. "Because, if you ask me, Izuku's already lost the bet."

Izuku was at the bar, still watching each and every move that the woman would make on Katsuki. His teeth gritted with fury. Anybody who looked at him could tell that he was pissed.

The woman then pulled herself up onto the blonde's lap, straddling over him where Izuku had only a few days ago. This drew the line.

Izuku slammed the notepad with the orders down onto the bar counter, picking up a half-empty beer bottle and finishing it off, not caring who it belonged to.

He threw the now empty bottle somewhere behind him, and made his way back over to Katsuki's table. He plastered his face with a big, fake smile.

Izuku grabbed the back of the woman's bodysuit, yanking her backwards and off of the blonde. "Hey, I think table 9 is calling for you." He grins, pushing her forcefully into the direction of said-table, away from the wolf.

He exhales as he felt a weight lift off from his shoulders. That was sure to cause trouble between him and the girl, but he could care less.

He then heard chuckling coming from behind him, breaking him from his moment of content. He turned around, his previous pissed off expression finding it's way back to his face as he faced the blonde. "The hell is so funny?"

Katsuki smirked at the angry expression on Izuku's face. "What was that all of a sudden? Don't tell me you were jealous~?" He teased.

Izuku froze, eyes wide. What was that all of a sudden? Why had Izuku been so furious seeing another Omega flirting with Katsuki? And why hadn't he questioned his actions until now as if they were normal? There was nothing between him and the blonde, so why did he act out?

"N-No! Like I said, she was needed at table 9 you damn dog!" He snapped, trying to hide his obvious embarrassment with anger. Unfortunately, Katsuki could see right through him.

Katsuki's tail started wagging side to side with amusement. He prepped his elbow onto the table, resting his head in his palm, still smirking at the bunny. "Y'know, you're hot when you're pissed~."

Izuku flustered, his nose and cheeks turning pink. He quickly shook his head, a desperate attempt to drive away his thoughts. He wasn't going to fall for the blonde; he couldn't. He'd already told Katsuki that it wasn't going to happen, and he planned on keeping his word. But, he wasn't sure if the promise to simply keep his word was enough to prevent himself from acting on impulse.

Izuku turned away abruptly from the blonde and headed back over to the bar, where Mina had already prepared the drinks that Izuku had written in his notepad to send to the customers.

"I can't believe that I just acted on jealously. No, scratch that. I can't believe that I just got jealous!" Izuku clenched his eyes closed, begging that when he opened them that all of this was just one, cruel nightmare.

Much to his dismay, it was not. And he still had drinks to hand to drunk old men. Could tonight get any better?

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