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Music echoed throughout the neon-painted room, stages occupied with dancers. Izuku watched as Uraraka spun around the pole on the main stage as money was scattered around the girl. He sighed, imagining what it'll be like when he finally gets to do all of that himself.

"Looks like fun, doesn't it?"

Izuku turned to face Mina, who was behind the bar he was sitting at. She slid a glass of red wine over to him. "It's on me."

Izuku thanked her, taking a small sip from the glass. "Hey, Mina? Have you ever done that before?" Izuku asked, nodding his head over to the brunette on stage.

Mina shook her head. "No, I haven't. That kind of dancing doesn't really suit me." She replied, smiling down at the bunny. Mina was happy with just working behind the bar. It was much safer there. Besides, she has her break dancing classes to worry about. In Izuku's eyes, the two dance styles were quite similar. Maybe one day he could convince Mina to get onto a pole. "How about you?" Would you want to go up on stage?"

Izuku nodded. "I didn't know how, either. Denki has been giving me lessons, and I think I'm getting the hang of it. I have to take my audition soon, but I still need to speak to Toshinori about it all."

Mina looked over the boy's shoulder, grinning. "Well speak of the devil."

Izuku turned his head to find Toshinori standing in front of him, waving at the two with a large grin on his face.

"Hey, boss. Here for a drink?" Mina asked, to which Toshinori shook his head.

"Surprisingly, no. I'm actually here to speak with Izuku. Mind if I borrow him for a second?" He looked down at the bunny, gesturing for him to follow as he began walking. "It's about your audition. Since you're back at work, I assume you're over your heat, which means we can discuss dates." He started, leading Izuku into the back, away from the flashing lights and loud music so that they could speak easier. "Are you ready, or do you think you'll need more time?"

"I'm ready, sir." Izuku didn't hesitate to answer. He couldn't wait to start working on stage. Not only did it sound like endless fun, but his money would triple. On top of that, Denki was a great teacher. He was sure that he'd do well enough to be granted permission to perform.

"Excellent!" Toshinori exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "In that case, how's tomorrow? You could come in an hour before work begins?"

Izuku gulped. That was a lot sooner than he'd expected. He'd have to practise extra hard tonight with the little time he had left. He wondered how many people would be watching him, not that it really mattered. If he passed his audition, then he'd have to dance in front of even more people. Nonetheless, he was still confident. He looked up at Toshinori, a determined look taking over his face.


"Is this all?" A man with mauve coloured hair asked, removing the plastic tag from the last shirt on the counter.

"Yes, thank you." Izuku bowed, taking the bags from the man and swiping his credit card over the scanner.

Izuku thanked the man one last time, before exiting the store. Izuku had gotten himself a credit card for the first time, and finally took the money he had been earning with him, since he now had a place to stay and to store it safely.

He was currently out shopping for clothes, since he had to leave his old ones at his apartment, and didn't want to keep burdening Yaoyorozu for things to wear. He also wanted to find some new outfits for work, more specifically, something to wear for his audition later tonight.

He hummed contently, as he spotted another clothing store that he wanted to check out. He skipped his way over to the other side of the mall, when a familiar head of two-toned hair caught his eye. He walked into the store for a closer look, when he confirmed that it was the man he'd met a few days ago.

"Todoroki!" Izuku called out, waving his free hand.

Todoroki turned his head and found the bunny waving at him from the other side of the store. His eyes widened for a split second, but he seemed to compose himself quickly when Izuku walked up to him.

"Oh, Midoriya. It's nice to see you."

Izuku was about to reply, when he caught Todoroki's gaze shifting to a woman opposite him. "Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't realise that you were here with someone!" Izuku apologised, quickly bowing for suddenly butting in. "I'm Izuku Midoriya."

The woman was much taller than Izuku, only a little shorter than Todoroki. She had dirty blonde hair and a curious expression on her face, lips pouted. "Not at all, I'm Camie." Izuku concluded from the lack of scent that she was a Beta.

Izuku stood back up straight, sighing from relief that she wasn't mad at him. "It's nice to meet you." He smiled, to which she just nodded in reply. He'd never met this person before, so she probably wasn't one of Katsuki's friends. Maybe Todoroki had just met her, too?

Izuku shifted uncomfortably at his next thought. Maybe they were out on a date.

'Jeez, Izuku! You can't go around interrupting those kinds of things!' Izuku mentally scolded himself. If that were the case, he knew it would be rude of him to stay.

"A-Anyway, I'd hate to interrupt, so I should probably get going." Izuku tried to excuse himself from the situation. He began turning around, when Todoroki grabbed his shoulder, bringing him to a halt.

"You aren't interrupting anything at all. You should stay with us." He offered, his hand still laying atop Izuku's shoulder. With the way he worded it, they probably do already know each other. Maybe Izuku was just overthinking, they could just be friends. He shouldn't assume they were a couple so quickly. Maybe staying would be alright, after all.

"Izuku?" A high-pitched voice broke Izuku from his thoughts. The three turned around to find Katsuki and his friends at the store's entrance. Mina, who had called Izuku's name, was waving her hands excitedly as they made their way over to the trio.

"Oh, hey you guys! What are you all doing here?" Izuku greeted them all, smiling sheepishly.

"We're going out to eat! We saw you through the window, and thought we should invite you too!" Mina exclaimed. She loved to spend time with Izuku, naturally. He was somehow very approachable. Someone you'd feel safe holding your drink at a party.

"Oh, sure!" Izuku looked over his shoulder at Todoroki and Camie. This looked like his lucky escape from an awkward situation. He still felt bad about suddenly announcing his arrival. The group hadn't greeted Todoroki's friend, either. She must be a friend of just his, in that case. Maybe a distant family member?

He turned back to the group, noticing Katsuki, who was looking off to the side with his arms folded, a disapproving scowl on his face. Izuku couldn't tell if it was because of himself or Todoroki. Maybe both.

He didn't seem all that happy to see Todoroki the first time Izuku had seen them together, either. He didn't quite understand why, though. He thought that maybe they had a falling out? Or perhaps they were never friends to begin with. Izuku wasn't sure, but he didn't feel it would be appropriate to ask either of them about their relationship with each other.

"Are you going to stand there eye-fucking me or are you coming to eat?" A low voice broke Izuku from his thoughts. He blinked his vision back into focus, realising he was still staring at the blonde. The others had already taken off.

"Did you seriously have to word it like that..?" Izuku covered his face with his hands in embarrassment. Talk about no shame! And in front of Todoroki and his friend, too!

Katsuki rolled his eyes, smirking at the flustered Omega in front of him. "So damn slow." Katsuki threw his arm over Izuku's shoulders, walking him over to catch up with the group, and away from Todoroki.

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