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It was now the next day. Izuku stepped out from his shower, wrapping a towel around his waist. He ran his hands through his wet hair, standing in front of his mirror. He brushed his hands gently against the scent glands on his neck. He then thought about the blonde sinking his fangs deep into Izuku's glands. He felt his body shiver at the thought.

"Stop that, get a hold of yourself, Izuku." The bunny muttered to himself.

He glanced over at the suppressants, which lay untouched on his sink. He would always keep them with him, just in case of emergency, which meant he luckily had them when he was kicked from his apartment.

"When's my heat again..?" He thought out loud, pulling out his phone. He has to keep track of his heats in his notes app, since he can never seem to remember them on his own.

"Two days." He sighed. No wonder he was imagining such things. "Being an Omega is such a pain in the ass."

He got dressed; Momo had bought him some clothes to wear until he gets some of his own, aware that Izuku and Katsuki weren't together. She didn't want Izuku to feel uncomfortable wearing his clothes. It was a very kind gesture, Katsuki didn't like it very much however. He wore a plain, white tee with black sweatpants. He chose comfort over appearance, since he'd rather change back into something comfortable after a long shift with a bodysuit eating at his ass. He was too plush for his own good.

Izuku headed downstairs for breakfast, being handed a plate of syrup-coated waffles, and a bowl of fruit for good measure. Izuku blissfully scoffed up his breakfast, sipping on the straw of his apple juice.

He turned to the empty chair, which belonged to the blonde. Izuku pouted. Where was he? He ate breakfast with Izuku yesterday, so what's the deal?

Izuku's pout was quickly replaced with a scowl. "Why should you even care?" He asked himself, rhetorically. He picked up his empty plate and bowl and washed them up, despite one of the maids insisting that he lets her take care of it instead.

Once he'd finished with that, he decided to take a look around the house. If he was going to be living there, he may as well know his way around, right?

He wandered through a random corridor situated on the first floor. There were a lot of rooms; looking at all of the doors made Izuku's head spin. He walked over to the door closest to him, peeking his head in.

Izuku squeaked when he was met with Momo, the kind lady who had shown him to his room before.

"Izuku!" She smiled sweetly at the little Omega.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to barge in like that..." His gaze met the floor, afraid he was interrupting her work.

"Not at all! Come on in!" She protested.

Izuku looked back up, smiling, as he walked in and closed the door behind him. He felt safe around Momo.

Yaoyorozu pulled the chair that was opposite her desk over next to her, so that their talk wouldn't feel like some sort of meeting. Izuku sat cross-legged on the chair next to the woman, bouncing his knee as a habit.

"So, what brings you over here?" She asks, comforting smile making the boy feel at complete ease.

"Well, Kacchan wasn't at breakfast, so I was looking for him." He half lied. He was looking for Katsuki, but he mostly just wanted to snoop around a little.

Momo chuckled at the nickname Izuku had given to Katsuki. "Bakugou had to leave early for a business meeting is all. He'll be back in a couple of hours." She assured the Omega, who simply nodded.

Izuku stayed in Momo's office for the next few hours, getting to know each other and giggling at her occasional jabs towards Katsuki.

Katsuki sat in his car, digging around his jean pockets for his car keys. He felt a vibration on his left thigh, pulling his phone from his pocket and answering the phone, not bothering to check who was calling.

"Bakubro!" A painfully cheery voice greeted the already pissed off blonde.

"What do you want, shitty hair?" He asked impatiently. He'd just sat in a shitty meeting for hours, the last thing he wanted to do was make small talk with shit for brains.


Katsuki pulled the most disgusted face he's probably ever pulled in his life. And that's saying something.

"Shit, not like that!" Katsuki exhaled. Thank fucking god. "What I mean is, me and Sero are going back to the club tomorrow. We're going tonight too with Todoroki, but we know you're planning on working tonight. Can you make it for tomorrow? Please?" Kirishima pouted on the other side of the phone, despite Katsuki not being able to see it.

Katsuki grunted, mostly at the mention of Todoroki. They were in the same friend group, but they never saw him much due to how much he worked. Katsuki hated the man. Despised him in fact, and the feeling was mutual.

"Yeah, whatever. I'll come tomorrow." Katsuki stated, finally taking his keys out from his pocket.

"Awesome! Can you give us a ride too?" The shark-tooth asked, aware that he was probably being a pain in Katsuki's ass. But, that was his duty as his best friend.

"Fuck, fine! I'll pick you all up from yours at 9. Be ready or I'll kill you." He barked, ending the call abruptly and shoving his phone back into his pockets.

Katsuki finally arrived back home, the sun starting to set. He threw his keys to Iida as usual, and made his way home. He stretched his arms into the air, relieving himself of being sat down for so long. He decided to go to Izuku's room to see him off before he left for work.

He jumped up the stairs, skipping every other step. He knocked onto Izuku's door, inviting himself straight in, not bothering to wait for an answer. Only, he wouldn't of gotten one either way.

"Where is he?" The blonde thought out loud, turning on his heel to find Yaoyorozu. Maybe she knew where he was.

He reached outside of her office, where she usually is at this time. He heard familiar giggling coming from the inside, relieved that the Omega was safe. He opened up the door to find the two giggling side by side. He smiled at the scene, glad that Izuku was getting along with his close friend

"There you are." He quickly wipes the smile he hadn't realised he had off of his face when the two looked up at him. 

"Oh, hi Kacchan!" Izuku smiled warmly at the Alpha, cheeks dusted pink, causing Katsuki's stomach to flutter. "Were you looking for me?" His head tilted. God, Katsuki loved it when his head tilted.

"Yeah, wanted to see you off before work." Katsuki replied, nonchalantly.

Izuku's eyes opened wide. "Shit!" He jumped out of his chair and scrambled out of the room hurriedly.

Katsuki laughed as he watched Izuku rushing down the hallway to his room. Once he was out of sight, Katsuki's gaze didn't cease.

"Someone's lovestruck~." Momo giggled when Katsuki turned to her, the tips of his ears turning red.

"Whatever." He scoffed, turning back to where Izuku was running previously, a genuine smile adorning his lips.

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