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"No way! Izuku, you're seriously a virgin?" Mina gasped awestruck, almost jolting from her seat.

Izuku quickly covered Mina's mouth with his palm in a panic. "Not so loud, people will hear you!" He whisper-yelled perturbatively, retreating his hand as Mina mouthed him an apology, giggling nonetheless.

"How unexpected!" Kirishima added. "Bakugou here is still a virgin, too!" He chuckled before receiving a condign smack to the back of his head.

"Don't talk about other people's business like it's your own!" Katsuki boomed, concealing his embarrassment, only for the group to laugh while Kirishima sulked, nursing his head with his palm.

Izuku was at the same pizza place just across the street from the club with his group of friends. They were all squeezed into a single booth which was much too small for them all. It was a ridiculous time in the morning, but that was nothing new to the bunch of seemingly nocturnal friends.

Almost a week had passed since Izuku's audition, and since his last intimate encounter with Katsuki. Expectedly, the air between the two had been thicker than it was before. Izuku couldn't decipher whether it was caused by the newfound, obvious tension they shared, or if it was their heightened reactions to one another's scents. They'd been living in the same house for a few weeks, so by now Izuku could recognise the blonde by just his scent blindfolded. As a result, each other's scents seemed to overpower the scent of others around them. If Izuku wasn't so focused on playing hard to get, he might have questioned if that was going to be an issue with his persistent resistance. Whether it was or not, it'd be an issue Izuku would put to the side for now, since fuck, the pizza here is good.

Izuku nibbled at the edge of the pizza's thick crust, puffing out his cheeks like a squirrel stuffing it's cheeks for hibernation. The comparison pulled his mind to his brunette friend at the club. He recalled her mention of a guy she had met and had interest in. He allowed his lips to quirk into a slight smile as he finished off his slice of pizza. 'I'll have to ask her how things are going between them two.' He mentally noted to himself, licking off leftover grease from his thumb.

Two figures approached the group's table, pulling Izuku from his mind and back into the pizza place. He recognised red and white split hair from the corner of his eye, whipping his head around to face the man fully. He opened his mouth to greet his friend, when a woman with dirty blonde hair peeked from behind him, an exercised grin on her face. Izuku closed his mouth as he quickly recognised her as the woman from the store that Todoroki was with before. What was her name again..?

"Everyone, this is Camie."

That was the one.

Sero leaned over the table from his seat at the end of the booth to face the pair. "Todoroki, we didn't know you were out of work! You should've said something." He brought his hand up to rub the back of his neck, a bashful smile on his half-sober face. "Sorry that there isn't much room, we could always--"

"--Don't trouble yourselves," Todoroki waved his hand dismissively at Sero's kindness, bringing it back down and into his cargo shorts pocket. "Camie and I were only stopping by for a drink. Ah, but you all haven't met her yet. Well, almost all." The man glanced at Izuku briefly, flashing him a quick grin before returning his gaze to the raven-hair, continuing; "I was planning on doing this a little later rather than soon, but since we're all here," The hand remerged from his pocket to interlock his with the woman's, earning a cordial smile from her as he returned it. "This is my girlfriend, as of a week ago."

Strawberry milk got caught in Izuku's throat, causing him to choke as he moved away from the glass' curly straw. Katsuki quickly reacted by patting Izuku's back helping him through his throttle. Katsuki slid his glass of water over for Izuku, which Izuku took gladly and gulped down until he'd finally calmed. He wiped his wet lips off with his wrist, glancing up to the blonde with a grateful smile; a little awkward, but grateful nonetheless.

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