Athena and Clyde (2)

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//Picture above is a similar vibe to Athena's 'spy' outfit in this chapter but with black trousers just so you can visualise it better than my rubbish descriptions lol//

"Okay, are you ready?" Athena whispered to Morgan

"I don't know why you're whispering, we're still hundreds of yards away from the property. I still don't understand why you made Hotch drop us so far away" he responded as they walked away from the road, through the woods towards the estate that wasn't even visible on the horizon.

"Timing is everything, we have to get there after the gang go in and cause some commotion with the metal I put in their pockets to set off the detectors" Athena smiled.

"Do they know about that?" Morgan raised an eyebrow at her.

"They'll find out eventually" Athena chuckled which made him laugh.

They walked for a while longer in a common silence, he kept glancing down at her. It looked like she was trying to muster up the courage to say something, like something was building up inside her and she was fighting to urge to just blurt it out.

Morgan went to speak but paused when he saw the estate outer defence wall in front of them- they had made it.

"Okay- let's climb I guess" Morgan chuckled at how insane this plan was.

"Wait" Athena grabbed his arm, he turned to look down at her. Her face seemed distressed, like whatever had been building during the walk was about to explode.

"Are you okay?" He asked, she looked down and let out a breath of air before looking up at him with a fake sense of bravery that she needed for what she was about to say.

"I realise... I realise that I don't have a lot of time left for you to learn things about me and my past naturally like most couples and that's not fair on you, I want you to know those things about me despite being such a stubbornly closed off person. So listen up, shut up and prepare for an information overload. Okay- so I once tried to join a circus, I have been accused of committing 3 royal assassinations and only did two of them- both by accident, I don't know how to ride a bike-"

"Woah, woah, woah-" Morgan interrupted her quick pace rambling and placed his hands on her arms.

"Slow down" he chuckled.

"I have 24 years of useless information to get through Morgan, I have to talk fast- okay so I once drove a boat off a waterfall blindfolded as a dare, I-" she said with a panic that made him laugh more.

"Stop laughing at me, I'm trying to inform you" she chuckled as he pulled her into a hug.

"Stop talking so fast or you're going to have a heart attack" he patted her back.

"We have time to talk about all this stuff- and I mean talk about it, not you just ramble out a load of information that I could have used to make fun of you, like the circus thing- don't think that I didn't hear that" he teased.

"We don't have time Morgan" she sighed.

"Then we'll make time" he looked down at her with a smile.

"It's going to be okay" he comforted "but we have to get over this wall first."

"Metaphorically or the physical wall in front of us?" Athena joked, Morgan chuckled and pulled out the tools from her bag.

"Yeah so I have no idea what this stuff is for" he laughed quietly, she took them out of his hands and assembled the bow and arrow grapple gun.

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