p r o l o g u e

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s h a t t e r e d  h e a r t s

p r o l o g u e

The room seems to grow smaller when it's just the two of us in here. The walls close in on me as if they were trying to suffocate me. I don't turn to face him, neither do I have the courage nor the emotional energy to do so. The silence has become unbearable. Breathing has become the chore that I don't want and my chest is closing in on me. "You really aren't going to say anything?" His voice speaks to me. My eyes water as I slowly turn to look at him. The action painful as if I were being stabbed in the chest.

"What is there to say?" I ask him. Doing everything that I can to not break down right in front of him. He walks over to me. His thumb goes under my chin and lifts my head to be looking at him. Looking into the eyes that I've fallen in love with, and seeing the beauty that has me captivated. "The truth, Tatianna, the truth" He says. A tear of pure sorrow rolls down my cheek as I let out a painful breath.

My lips part, but I don't say a word, my voice simply does not want to come out. The words are right on my tongue, yet no matter how much I try, I can't get them out. "I've had enough of this" He says, with an annoyed sigh. Turning around he walks out of the room and slams the door. Leaving me all alone in here with the salty tears running down my face. I fall down to the ground and sob my heart out. "I love you" I whisper, my voice so low and filled with pain.

You don't love me. You love her.

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