s h a t t e r

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s h a t t e r e d h e a r t s

c h a p t e r 29

My eyes softly open and the first thing I see is Sam. Unlike all the other times that I've seen him, he's not holding me like he always does when I wake up. This time when I open my eyes I see him sitting in the bed with his sketchbook. I smile at him. "Good morning" I speak to him. He looks up from his sketchbook and eyes me. He was so focused that I sort of feel guilty for breaking that, but I don't feel that much guilt. "Morning" He says to me and smiles. I sit up and take a look at what he's drawing.

I nearly gasp when I see that he drew me when I'm sleeping. As always he pays so much attention to detail and he's able to capture it so well. Whatever anyone says, Sam is the best artist that I've ever known and will ever known. "This is amazing" I say. I find that my cheeks are so warm and I know that they are red. He laughs. "Nothing compared to the real thing. Forgive me for not asking. I woke up and you looked like the Goddess that you are and I had to freeze that moment in time" He says to me.

Shaking my head, I look up from the drawing. I see that on his face, or rather on his chin, there is slight gray from the pencil he's using and I realize it's on his fingers as well. "I don't mind if you draw me. You can do it any time. I like it when you do" I tell him. That is the truth. Sam draws so well. "If I asked you if I could paint you on a canvas, would you agree?" He asks me. I nod my head.

"Of course. I told you. You don't have to ask me" I tell him. Sam has drawn me a couple of times and when I say a couple of times, I say a lot. Usually, he just sketches me and sometimes he's hurrying while doing so. It always looks beautiful in the end. In his drawings, I can see that I'm beautiful. I can see that I have beauty and I see what he sees when he looks at me. I can see the love when he draws me and how he wants the drawing to be perfect, like I am.

Sam takes my hands. Neither one of us care that he does transfer a bit of that gray from his fingers over to mine. It doesn't matter and besides, we will be taking a shower after a little while. "It's been some time since I've used oils, it would be fun to play with it while I paint you. And don't worry, It will take a long time" He tells me and gives me a wink. Over the last couple of days, he's been showing me some of the paintings that he did in his past and I have seen how he has grown in these paintings.

He showed me the paintings and drawings that he made when he was a child, and even when they were all over the place, I saw that he has always had this talent. I admire him for that. Because it means that Sam had not been that old when he realized his talent and with the years, it grew into something amazing and I know that his gift will continue to grow. Sam's technique is always unique like he is himself and that won't ever change, even when he's growing and getting older.

"It would be noice to pose for you for a long time. That means that your eyes are only on me. Twice actually. The one that is the real me and the one that you are painting" I say and laugh. I hold him. I can't help but look again at the drawing. The way that he draws the covers over my body make it appear that it is real. If he puts some color in, and I would see it then, I would not be able to know if it was a drawing. It looks so real and he's so good at capturing the reality in his paintings.

"When did you wake up?" I ask him. Sam is someone that does sometimes take his time at drawing and when he is making a drawing of me, he's always trying to get it as perfect as reality and he can be a long time doing so. Sam shrugs. "Around three. I wasn't that tried. Besides, you are far more enjoyable than sleep" He tells me. I sigh as I hold him tighter. "As much as I love it when you look at me. I would like it if you were not tired and exhausted during the day" I tell him.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that he's stressed and perhaps a bit nervous for each passing day. Drawing always makes him feel calm and he told me once that drawing me makes him able to relax and feel so calm that he can take on the world if he wanted when he's drawing me. "I know" He says. "Just think of it like you're going to dream of me, and dream of you drawing me" I tell him and he laughs as he smirks. "You want me to have a wet dream?" He asks and winks.

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