d e a t h

744 14 1

s h a t t e r e d  h e a r t s

c h a p t e r  32

My whole body feels like it's floating, as if I'm so high up in the clouds that I'm weightless. This blinding light took over my vision. That light does not hurt me nor harm my eyes in any sort of way. In fact, it does feel quite nice. There is this buzzing feeling inside my body. I can feel it travel through my veins and throughout my entire body as a whole. This feeling is so wonderful and it feels magical as well. Something that I've never felt before in my entire life. This feeling is however rather familiar, as if I have felt it but never this strongly before.

These feelings tell me that things will be all right. That there is nothing in this world that can go wrong. And I can believe those feelings. For some of them are my own while others are the ones of my Wolf who I can feel much better now, as if the presence of my Wolf is here beside me. My Wolf isn't beside me, but rather within me for we are one. I can feel that with the Wolf, I am far stronger than I have ever been in my life.

My whole body and mind and soul and heart feel strong and they feel powerful. I feel powerful and strong and confident. Nothing like I've ever felt. This makes me think that I've connected with the deepest part of me and become the one that I'm meant to be. Because I know who I am now. There is no doubt in my mind about that. I am the granddaughter of the Moon. I am Queen Tatianna Brown and my Mate is King Samuel. That is who I am and that is who I've always been and nothing can change who I am.

When the light disappears from my eyes, I can see the darkness around me. I can also see Sam's Wolf which looks at me and I think I see shock in the eyes of the Wolf. Then I look down at myself. I'm wearing this pure white pants that hug my legs, and pure white sweater, and white sneakers. But, that is not all that I'm able to see, or rather feel because on my back, I can feel something quite heavy. Really heavy, but it doesn't affect my balance at all. In fact, it actually makes it even better.

The almost glowing white feather wings on my back with each feather having golden tip makes me gasp when I see them. They around as I do and when I touch the feathers, they feel softer than anything that I've ever touched in my life. It is then that I look up at the sky. Looking past the dark cloud which is still there. The normal clouds have cleared and I see the full moon there. "Thank you" I speak to her, my grandmother. When those words are spoken from me, I can see that the moon grows even brighter as if she is saying "You're welcome".

When I look back down, Sam's Wolf is gone. I know where it and he has gone. The same place that I have to go. But, there is one thing that I have to do first. I will never back down on my promises. It takes me a second to start running down the path that I had came from before and it isn't long until I'm back where I had been with the children. They are still there, sleeping on the ground. I kneel beside them, not even caring that my white clothes touch the green grass.

I touch their skin and see how they are warm. The Elder isn't here, but somehow I can feel her as if she were her. With my hands, I touch the grassy ground, and I close my eyes. This time, I can connect to the ground within my mind and I can command it to do what I want. Though, the command is small. All that I ask is that the ground, the forest and everything inside it would protect those children while I cannot in this small moment. When I open my eyes again, I see that there are vines growing from the ground.

I stand up and back away as the vines create this dome around the children. On the inside, there are no thorns but on the outside there are. The dome isn't solid and there are holes between the vines, which allows air to come through and I can see them there. The grassy ground keeps them comfortable. I hate to leave them here, but what I need to do now is no place for children. I will return for them and I will come back for them as soon as this is over.

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